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The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1863., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1863., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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tenances, offices, horses, and mules, wagons, hands, provisions, forage, &c. belonging to the company aforesaid, which she will lease for one year from the 15th day of March, 1863, to John N. Clarkson, for the sum of $100,000--to be paid to Stuart & Co; and in consideration of which the said Clarkson agrees to furnish to Virginia 700,000 bushels of salt — bagged and delivered at the railroad depot — at the rate of $1.50 per bushel. The minority report proposes to award the contract to Chas Scott & Co., the owners of the property, for a like amount of salt, to be bagged and delivered in like manner, at the rate of $2.33 per bushel. The majority report was sustained by Messrs. Barbour and Prince. Mr. Magruder urged the adoption of the minority report. The discussion on the one side developed some rare facts in reference to these salt contracts, while on the other hand strong objections were advanced against the expediency and justice of the plan proposed by the majority.
ten in our present position. With the good favor of God, we will never yield an inch of our present position. The operations of the last summer proved that Richmond could be held against the most powerful army of modern times, and since last summer the city has been so fortified that McClellan would have to bring double his old force before he could be as strong relatively to the Confederates as he was last summer. Gasconade! A Yankee journal talking about Southern gasconade! Who boasted that the South would be conquered in sixty days? that Scott would take Richmond? that McClellan was sure to do it? that Fremont would sweep the Valley? that Pope would certainly have us? that Burnside would have his headquarters in Richmond last winter? What have we had but gasconade from the North, and manly, successful resistance from the South? And what has been will be. They are bragging now as they have always bragged. in due season their gas begs will be punctured and collapsed.
ng, Bouldin, Robinson of Richmond, and Buford, in behalf of the contract with Chas Scott & Co., as reported by the minority. The previous question was called, whs 58, noes 49. The vote then recurred upon ratifying the contract with Messrs. Scott & Co., and resulted — ayes 64, noes 42. The rules requiring 65 votes tThe unfinished businesss of the morning was taken up, and the contract with Messrs. Scott & Co. for salt ratified by the House. [The terms of the contract are that the said Chas Scott & Co., shall furnish, in merchantable condition, on or before the 15th day of March, 1863, to such agents as may be appointed by the State recte of fifty pounds to the bushel, at the price of $2.33 per bushel; the firm of Scott & Co. giving bond, with security, in the sum of $200,000 for the faithful perfoder moved the appointment of a special committee to carry out the contract with Scott & Co. for supplying the State with salt; which was agreed to. On motion of