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nation. With the respect I had entertained for four years, I said. God speed you to your home in the North. [Laughter.] Thus matters stood, when there came a proposition to send for Gen. Scott. I said send — gladly I said send for him. Gen Scott came. He had other ideas. He was a soldier. I had not thought what would be the sentiments of a soldier who had been winning laurels in the field when I was in my swaddling clothes, I thought of him as a man whom Virginia delighted to honor British soldier to set his foot on the soil of old Augusta. One such woman, he said, was worth the whole seventy-seven men who voted for the amendment to the Convention bill that day. Mr. John Seddon here proposed "The reputation of Gen. Scott." To be drank in silence. Gen. Chapman--I now give the last regular toast: "African Slavery — The crime of the infidel, the curse of the hypocrite, the hope of the Christian and the blessing of the patriot." B. B. Douglass, Esq.,
o reason to believe that anything further will be yielded to South Carolina. It is believed that the bill introduced in the Legislature of Missouri, prohibiting the Mayor or sheriff of St. Louis from using a military force to suppress riot, looked to the seizure of the public property, and hence troops have been ordered thither. The Senate galleries and avenues leading to the chamber are densely crowded to hear Senator Seward. [Second Dispatch.] Washington, Jan. 13. --Gen. Scott is still engaged in making preparations to guard against any possible breach of the peace in this city, in consequence of the present political agitation. Effective military forces are to be posted in various parts of the city. It is not probable that any but regular troops and reliable militia will be employed for this purpose. Company A of the 2d Regiment of Light Artillery, Captain Barry, arrived here this morning, and are quartered at the Arsenal.--Two other companies from Leave
[Special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.]from Washington. Washington, Jan. 13. --Crittenden thinks Seward offers no proposition worthy of being entertained, but does not wholly close the door against conciliation. Gen. Scott is making in Washington a military camp. Zed.
An abolition meeting broken up in Rochester. Rochester, Jan. 11, 1861. --Rev. Mr. May, Susan B. Anthony, and others of that stripe attempted to hold a meeting here to-night. It was broken up by citizens, and resolutions in favor of the Union were passed and cheers given for General Scott and Major Anderson. A flag bearing the inscription, "No compromise with slavery," was not allowed to be suspended across Buffalo street. The authorities prevented a general riot.
free negroes. Mr. Carson presented the petition of Thos. P. Marshall, for the appointment of trustees for Middletown, in Frederick county. Resolutions of Inquiry.--The following resolutions of inquiry were reported and appropriately referred: Refunding to Moses G. Booth a certain sum of money; amending the law compensating jurors for services, so as to include coroners' jurors for inquests; amending section 7 of chapter 103 of Code; to report bill No. 403 of last session to pay Messrs. Scott & Adams for work done on the Southwestern Turnpike. The Crisis.--Mr. Armstrong, from the Select Committee of the Senate, to whom was referred the communication from the House and the amendment proposed thereto by Mr. Claiborne, on Friday, made the following report: The General Assembly, whilst thoroughly sympathizing and sharing in the grievances of the slaveholding States, and having resolved to make common cause with them unless the present troubles that afflict the country