Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 29, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Scott or search for Gen Scott in all documents.

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im to mourn their loss. A little steamer carried up a number of gun carriages to North Carolina yesterday. Work men at the Gosport Yard are actively engaged in the manufacture of these, and numbers have already been sent to that State. Scott's creek, in Portsmouth, so named, we understand, in honor of Gen Scott's parents being buried there, is strongly fortified. It does seem to us, if no other consideration of decency would move his heart, this should. But we believe this ingrate Gen Scott's parents being buried there, is strongly fortified. It does seem to us, if no other consideration of decency would move his heart, this should. But we believe this ingrate traitor is too steeped in crime to render even the graves of his parents fit objects of his respect. One of Lincoln's steamers went up James river yesterday, whether with troops or not, is unknown. I regret to learn that a young man, by the name of Smiley, was run over by a wagon at Talbot's farm yesterday, and was seriously hurt. He was brought into the city and will be properly cared for. Yesterday, set apart by Mayor Lamb as a day of thanksgiving for our recent success at Man
d slowly retired, fighting bravely all the time. The 4th Alabama Regiment suffered terribly, all of its field officers being shot down, and two (Col. Jones and Major Scott) left upon the field. --Col. Jones was captured, but afterwards retaken during the rout. Falling back upon the position taken by Hampton's Legion, whose prowesfrom the coast survey records, showing the topography of the country from Washington to Manassas, it was evident that the plan of action had been mapped out by old Scott. At Sudley Springs, where the crossing was made, three columns indicated that the crossing was to be made there. The number of men actually engaged upon our side nducing the Northern fanatics to cry-- "Hold! Enough." We half-starved "rebels" have actually sent back the great American Eagle squealing to old granny Scott. Let Abraham and his followers beware, for our deeds may be immense when we shall get into a sleek, well-fed condition, consequent upon the recognition of our nat