Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 18, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Scott or search for Gen Scott in all documents.

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Gen Scott's letter. The letter of General Scott to Mr. Seward, published in this paper of Friday, will go far to redeem the reputation of the old soldier for military wisdom and judgment, and to place his character in a snore amiable light thaGeneral Scott to Mr. Seward, published in this paper of Friday, will go far to redeem the reputation of the old soldier for military wisdom and judgment, and to place his character in a snore amiable light than it has recently occupied.--This letter, written March 3, 1861, is, in its sagacity and general tone, far above anything that we ever conceived General Scott to be capable of, and groves him to have been, at the time of its writing, both a statesmaGeneral Scott to be capable of, and groves him to have been, at the time of its writing, both a statesman and a soldier. He seems to have been the only man in the United States who at all appreciated the magnitude of the enterprise which Mr. Lincoln has since undertaken in endeavoring to subjugate the Southern States, and yet that even he underestimae means of meeting the exigencies of the times-- "Say to the seceded States, wayward sisters depart in peace," exalts General Scott from the abyss into which he has been dragged by Seward, and makes us regret the more that he had not the moral coura