Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Scott or search for Gen Scott in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: December 9, 1862., [Electronic resource], Contribution to the history of the War. (search)
fficulty about the man if the arrangement could be made under the sanction of Gen Scott. A confidential person could be sent on to see him, and with his approve the ser't, Chas. W. Sanford, Jones A. Hamilton, Esq. J. A. Hamilton to Lieut. Gen. Scott. Nevis, Dobbs's Ferry Post Office, December 29, 1862. [Private] Dear Gbeloved country, I remain your friend and servant, James A. Hamilton. To Lieut.-Gen. Scott, Washington. Lieutenant General Scott to J. A. Hamilton. WashingtoLieutenant General Scott to J. A. Hamilton. Washington, January 1, 1861. Sir:Lieutenant General Scott desires me to acknowledge your letter of the 10th ultimo, and to inform you that he read it to the President ofLieutenant General Scott desires me to acknowledge your letter of the 10th ultimo, and to inform you that he read it to the President of the United States. Both appreciate its patriotic spirit, but they coincided in the opinion that the immediate military of the country require no appeal to militia o our conversation on the subject of that correspondence, I now enclose Lieutenant General Scott's answer to the letter I addressed him under your advice on the 29th u