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The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource] 24 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Granny Scott or search for Granny Scott in all documents.

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he West; for Gen. Patterson, from the North; for Gen. McDowell, from Washington; leaving Gen. Butler for the seaboard. Gen. Scott is either to force the Confederates to concentrate at Richmond, and risk a battle there, or to cut them off in detail, the Mississippi, will, at an early stage of the war, be conducted on a large scale, under Gen. McClellan, now second to Gen. Scott in command of the United States Army. A descent upon Memphis, with an overwhelming force, by a flotilla and an army, ianding of a force at Aquia Creek, for the capture of the formidable battery there, is said to have been abandoned, as General Scott does not think the object desired would be worth the risk run to obtain it. It is a fact that a clamor exists amr men in the Administration councils, who, in turn, express that concern (to say the least) on the subject, that annoys Gen. Scott, and other capable and responsible officers. --It is currently reported that that officer says that he don't want to ta
Commissariat of an Army --Gen. Scott.--A Washington letter to the Baltimore Sun says: It was not until late years (comparatively speaking) that the importance of an efficient Quartermaster's Staff has been realized even by such a military nation as the French. The English were first to excel in this respect, and theirten upon spoliations of the treasury in times of war will be driven from their prey. These sort of characters here and elsewhere are now seriously embarrassing Gen. Scott, the Cabinet and other superior officers, by urging a hot-haste sort of war policy, the object being to so precipitate matters that there shall be no time to invite proposals for the delivery of articles, to the end that contracts shall be given to the lowest bidders. Thus if Gen. Scott should be forced to advance into Virginia, and be driven back, then the exigencies of the public service would be still greater than they now are, and there would then be no end to preying upon the p
ant gaze of posterity no two more traitorous and deep-dyed villains than this same Fremont and Gen. Scott, natives though they be of the sunny South. It will be written down that neither they nor theasinine followers it is only the pirate's and freebooter's desire for plunder. Both Fremont and Scott will have the infamous distinction of being fratricides, and leaders of thieves, oppressors and common cut-throats.--Granny Scott, who is represented to be in his dotage, was, unluckily for the honor of the Old Dominion, born on her soil, by one of those freaks of nature which sometimes gives ton; and in the encouragement of his genius he was upheld by South Carolina, who (like Virginia to Scott) presented him a sword, which is now to be drawn in the hope of sheathing it in the giver's bosom. Like Judas, both Scott and Fremont have been seduced and sold themselves for a price. If they do not, like their great prototype, "let out their bowels" from very shame at their own abasement, w