Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hugh Scott or search for Hugh Scott in all documents.

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ich the Cabinet are compelled to be comparatively passive. They merely follow the judgment of Gen. Scott, who advises the evacuation, and, of course, takes the whole responsibility of the act. But thre is no longer any doubt that Major Anderson's command is to be withdrawn from Fort Sumter. General Scott decides it to be a military necessity, and his judgement determines the question, as it has m satisfied that the Administration will not reinforce at the terrible sacrifice of life which Gen. Scott says it would require. Of course there are divisions of opinion on this policy. Wade saynistration failed to reinforce the forts of Charleston harbor, in disregard of the advice of General Scott, and the urgent entreaties of Gen. Wool, at a time when reinforcement was both easy and woul the imbecility of its Government. But if Buchanan had strengthened the Charleston forts when Gen. Scott first advised it, he would not only have saved the national honor, but have retained stronghol
cessful escape is final, unless, as is sometimes the case, the fugitive, discovering that his new lot is full of hardships, chooses himself to return. In regard to the suppression of insurrections, no such assistance is necessary, nor, if it were, could it be rendered. The Army of the United States, small at best, is scattered over an immense extent of territory, and cannot be concentrated in time to be of service in any such emergency. We have all seen how long a time it requires for Gen.Scott to collect one thousand regulars in Washington, and may judge from that example, where the General Government was working in good faith and with a hearty good will, of what practical avail for the suppression of servile disturbances would be an army thus situated, and in the hands of an abolition Administration. Moreover, the history of the world affords few examples of successful insurrections. The present generation has before its own eyes the instructive instance of the manner in which