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The Daily Dispatch: August 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Cooling Reflections. (search)
Presentments by the Grand Jury.
--The Hustings Court Grand Jury presented the following persons for misdemeanors, viz: Mary Gladson, Washington Brown, John Brogan, Sebastian Knewbard, Patrick McNeal, Benjamin Bolton, Daniel Crawford, E. K. Lockwood, John A. Scott, Michael Kearney, Joseph Vernon, Thomas Smith and Mary Sullivan.
The Grand Jury will meet again on Thursday.
The Court, by virtue of an ordinance of the Convention of the State of Virginia, passed on the 1st day of July, 1861, order that all able-bodied free male negroes, between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, within the jurisdiction of this Court at the date of the said ordinance, be enrolled, and that said enrollment be deposited in the Clerk's Office of this Court, and that the Mayor of this city be requested to have this order executed.
Lucius J. Quinlin, charged with receiving a let of leaf tobacco, (1,000 pounds, worth $100,) on the 4th of July, the property of Wm. H. Kennen and E. H. Chamberlayn
Death of a .
--The Baltimore Exchange, of Monday, says:
About the time of the arrival of the train from Washington last night, a very respectably dressed man, who had alighted from the train, was seen to stagger and fall upon the platform.
A crowd immediately gathered around him, and a vice-policeman procured a hack and conveyed him to the Western district police station.
He had been there but a few minutes when he expired.
Upon an examination of his effects, it was ascertained that his name was Mayrick Beauford Field.
He had a letter of introduction from the Duke of Malmesbury to President Lincoln, two medals from Queen Victoria for meritorious service in the Crimean War, a pass from Gen. Scott, signed by an aid de-camp, giving the bearer permission to pass the lines of the United States army, a gold watch and a very neatly bound diary.
John W. Van Buskirk, until within a short time past resident of Norfolk, but who chummed old Scott and secured a lieutenancy in the Federal army, is among the prisoners taken at Manassas.
On Saturday last, Mr. Brubeck was shot in Staunton, Va., by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of Mr. E. C. Randolph.
He was badly wounded.
The Norman cotton factory, belonging to P. Miller, located near Boliver, Tenn.
was consumed by fire on Thursday night last.--Loss, $25,000, without insurance.
John Bigelow, late editor of the New York Evening Post, has, it is stated, been appointed consul at Paris.
It is a salaried office, paying $5,000 a year.
There is no authenticated statement in regard to Garibaldi's offer of his services to the Federal Government.
It is probably a canard.
John Williams, a Baltimorean, has been arrested at Boston and sent to Fort Lafayette, New York, on suspicion of being an agent and officer of the Confederate States.
The Daily Dispatch: August 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], Subscriptions to the Dispatch . (search)