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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 18 0 Browse Search
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nd rebels were found most plenty. Capt. Vanarsdall, of Co. B, was present, and discharged his duty faithfully, until the right wing was drawn off. Lieutenants Cobb, Coben, McAdams, Van Natts, Johnson, McCoy, Bush, Boswell, Shumate and Hunt, deserve the highest praise for their brave and gallant conduct. Lieut. McAdams fell while nobly leading on his men. Lieut. Bush commanded Company G, and quite distinguished himself. Second Lieuts. Rodman, Colwell, Merritt, Lutz, Miller, Stall, Simpson, Scott and Wilds, fully merit all that can be said in their praise, as do all the non-commissioned officers and privates that were present during the engagement. Many individual acts of bravery might be mentioned, such as those of Orderly-Sergeant Miller, of Company B, and my Orderly-Sergeant, Abraham A. Carter, who took a gun and fought manfully during the intervals that his services were not required by me in despatching orders. But nothing I can say, will add to the well-merited laurels alre
the relief of our tired shoulders. Gen. Turchin fired the first shell into the town, and immediately three regiments were seen scampering on to the cars, and putting off with what they had. But though within a mile of Bowling Green, we were powerless to interfere, for there was Barren River, wide and unfordable, between us, and both bridges destroyed. The Texas Rangers soon began to fire all the public buildings, and we were powerless to prevent it. Some fifty of us got ready, under Capt. Scott, to cross in a little skiff by parties, and try to drive out the few who remained to perform this work, but the General would not allow it. We then pitched our tents, and prepared to wait until a bridge could be erected. When snugly tucked in our blankets, the assembly beat to arms, and after much scolding — for we were very tired and foot-sore — the brigade was in ranks. We expected to march to town, but were put on the back track some three miles. We left the main road, and soon came
ght bravely and well. They did both. An exact statement of the varying fortunes of the field for the three or four hours following the first attack, it is impossible at present to definitely present. Suffice it to say, our troops fought, and not only fought, and fought courageously, but fought coolly and scientifically. In the thickest of the fight, where officers had to remove the dead bodies of their men out of the way of the backward wheels, regiments coolly performed manoeuvres which Scott in his Tactics pronounces impossible to be made on the battle-field. The battle, for the most part, was fought in a forest with a thick undergrowth beneath, and regiments acted mostly on the principle of hitting a head wherever it could be found. Swarming on all sides of them, they were not at a loss to find them. One regiment was only driven from before them when another sprung up to take its place, and there is hardly a regiment of the force engaged but was opposed to triple its numbe
sible oppression. The selfishness developed in such a crisis is humiliating. . . . . . . The opinion prevails there that Nashville will be burnt, first or last — if not when we leave it, then when we drive the enemy out of it. For Tennesseeans are resolved that the enemy shall not rest on their soil. Gen. Floyd and staff left Thursday morning, and it was understood that Capt. John H. Morgan, with his company, would retire slowly, as the enemy in force entered. The Louisiana cavalry, Col. Scott, were near Franklin, on their way to the vicinity of Nashville, where they will act as scouts and hold the enemy closely in bounds. As far out as Brentwood, Franklin and Columbia, some people are leaving their homes and sending off their slaves. Others, deeply-committed Southerners, stand and risk the consequences. They look for inconveniences and heavy losses, staying or going. In reply to the question often asked, whether any Union element has been developed by these events: Ther
emy preparing to charge upon the Union troops. As such a movement, with the rebels' overwhelming numbers, would be likely to lose us a battery, Col. Carr withdrew to a better point, about a hundred yards to his rear. Here the fight was kept up for some time, the rebels repeatedly attempted to charge, but as often being driven back by the well-directed volleys from the Iowa infantry and the Missouri regiment. Col. Phelps and Lieut.-Col. Galligan, of the Fourth Iowa, and Major Coyle and Adjutant Scott, of the Ninth Iowa, were wounded by a fire of musketry, and carried to the hospitals at the camp. Another charge was made by the rebels, in which they captured a second piece of artillery and a caisson-limber. The ground after each of these charges was thickly strewn with their dead and dying, mingled, too often, with the bodies of the brave men who opposed them. The charges of the rebels were not made with the bayonet, but with double-barreled shot-guns, loaded with ball and ten buck
recarious, when fortunately, after drifting about a quarter of a mile, she struck against the Cincinnati and was made fast until morning. The storm lasted about four hours, raging with terrible vehemence, and tossing the steamers about on the mad waves like cockle-shells. Luckily the Swallow was the only one blown from her moorings. It was during the height of this storm that Col. Roberts performed his daring mission. Yesterday morning, the flag-officer, Capt. Phelps, Col. Buford, Secretary Scott, and other officers, held a conference upon the flag-ship, at which it was decided to make a night reconnoissance of the upper battery, the details of which were left to Col. Buford. He selected Col. Roberts and forty picked men of his regiment to be the chosen few. Each gunboat furnished a yawl, manned by six of their hardiest seamen. At two o'clock, in the thickest of the storm, the little party embarked. The flag-officer and his subordinates, with Col. Buford, stood upon the deck
at she be run into a slough close by, and secreted from the sight of the enemy, thinking that thereby she might hereafter operate with greater effect, and derive some advantages by surprising the enemy. This suggestion was made, however, at the instance of Gen. Pope, who at the time was under the impression that the boats had passed the rebel batteries unobserved. When he was better informed, the proposed movement was abandoned. At eight o'clock this morning, Assistant Secretary of War, Scott, and Gen. Pope came aboard to congratulate Capt. Walke. The boats arrival has been heralded all over the camps hereabouts, and army officers have been flocking aboard all day expressing their gratification at her presence and promise of future cooperation. The following names are those of the officers of the Carondolet, all of whom deserve great praise for the manner in which they conducted themselves last night under the trying circumstances attending the daring exploit of that boat:
le many, not detailed, but volunteering through impulses of soldierly devotion and personal affection, dashed into the stream again and dragged out the wounded, who were clinging to the trees, and sitting with their heads just out of water. Julian A. Scott, of the Third Vermont, company E, under sixteen years of age, was one of these heroes. He pulled out no less than nine of his wounded comrades. He twice went under fire away across the stream, and brought back from the slope of the rifle-pit John C. Backum, of his own company, who was shot through the lungs. Ephraim Brown, who was helping him, was himself shot through the thigh in the inside, and disabled. Scott waded back, like the heroboy he is, and brought him safely over. It was a sight to come all the way from New-York to see — the masterly manner in which Capt. Ayres saved the Fourth Vermont's four companies from the fire of the rebels, who swarmed more than a regiment full in their rifle-pit. The moment he saw them