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,000 Contingencies of fortifications100,000 Total$4,710,000 Arrival of Gen.Scott in Paris — his meeting with his wife — their Domestic affairs, &c. From tndence, under date of November 26th, we extract the following: Ex-Lieutenant General Scott arrived here from Havre, which port he reached in the Arago on Sundatminster Hotel, in the Rue de la Paix, where, upon his arrival, he was met by Mrs. Scott, who has not seen him before in five or six years. General Scott and his wifeGeneral Scott and his wife, finding that their temper and modes of thought were not of an amicable character, "agreed to disagree," and concluded that as they could not love each other together, they would love each other apart. Most of that time Mrs. Scott has been residing in Europe, and has always manifested intense interest in her husband's movementshich some of our newly-fledged Ministers made such "Mugginses" of themselves, Mrs. Scott was present, and whenever an allusion was made to the General she seemed to b
Runaway in Jail. --Was committed to the jail of Henrico county, on the 23d of November, 1861, as a runaway, a Negro Man, who calls himself John, and says he is the property of Mrs. Mary Scott, of Albemarle county, Va.--Said negro is about 25 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, yellow complexion, and had on when committed a light winter suit of homespun clothes. The owner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. Geo. D. Pleasants, S. H. C. de 24--ts
at his Lordship will withhold his demand upon our Government until the arrival. It is not true, as telegraphed yesterday, to New York papers, that the President called a meeting of the Cabinet. None whatever has been held on the subject. Gen. Scott's letter is very highly spoken of by English and American statesmen here. It is believed to have had an excellent effect upon the British mind, as an eminent British lawyer, who stands near the law officers of the Crown, so indicated in a private letter received here. It is believed that Lord Lyons will pass over the questions of contraband, dispatches, and the character of the traitors Mason and Slidell, and rest his demand upon the narrow ground so clearly presented by General Scott, that we should have seized the Trent, taken her into port and had her condemned by a prize court, in order to justify our seizure of her passengers. Stated in other words, an offence would have been less if it had been greater. It is assuming the g
Runaway in Jail. --Was committed to the jail of Henrico county, on the 23d of November, 1861, as a runaway, a Negro Man, who calls himself John, and says he is the property of Mrs. Mary Scott, of Albemarle county, Va — Said negro is about 25 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, yellow complexion, and had on when committed a light winter suit of homespun clothes. The owner of said negro is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. Geo. D. Pleasants, S. H. C. de 24--ts
Runaway in Jail. Was committed to the jail of Henrico county, on the 23d of November. 1861. as a runaway, a Negro Man, who calls himself John, and save he is the property of Mrs. Mary Scott, of Albemarle county, Va.--Sall negro is about 25 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high yellow complexion, and had on when committed a light winter suit of home pun clothes. The owner of said negro is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or be will be dealt with as the law directs. Geo. D. Pleasants, S. H. C. de 24--ts.
n, Dec. 26. --It is certain that the report about Mason and Slidell having sailed for Europe is not correct. Gen. Scott as a mediator. The New York Herald's special Washington correspondent, dated Dec. 26th, says: In connection with the report that, before leaving Paris, Gen. Scott had a long interview with the Prince Napoleon, and that the General was the bearer to America or the French Emperor's desire for the maintenance of peace between England and the United States, thele that Louis Napoleon may consider "the danger of war so imminent as to justify his making an informal proffer through Gen. Scott, to which the latter attaches so much importance as to think he will serve his country by submitting it in person to ouous light last evening in that vicinity. Arrival of the Arago. New York, Dec. 26. --The steamer Arago with Gen. Scott among her passengers arrived here at 5:30 P. M. Her news is anticipated. She brought full files of papers but no mails
aris correspondent of the London Globs says, that Count Thouvenel's dispatch to M. Mercler, the French Minister at London, is known to have confined the Federal Executive to the simple dilemma:--are the Southerners belligerents or rebels? They have been flatly refused any rights in the first capacity, and in the second the right of asylum acquired by political refugees has been set at naught, and France must make the case of the Trent substantially her own. The Paris Presse says that Gen. Scott's mission appears to have been arranged so as to allow him time to fulfill it before the ultimatum of England is remitted, and perhaps modify the nature of this step on the part of England. The Pays, on the contrary, asserts that the English ultimatum will be of an absolute character. The times publishes a letter from Thurlow Weed, defending the American government, and Mr. Seward in particular, from the allowed charge of hostile intentions towards England. The Times says that E
Runaway in Jail. --Was committed to the jail of Henrico county, on the 23d of November, 1861, as a runaway, a Negro Man, who calls himself John, and says he is the property of Mrs. Mary Scott, of Albemarle county, Va.--Said negro is about 25 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, yellow complexion, and had on when committed a light winter suit of homespun clothes. The owner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. Geo. D. Pleasants, S. H. C. de 24--ts
ir play, or anything else, had been taken out of an English ship in the Mediterranean by a Neapolitan man-of-war? In either case would not every Englishman have demanded and enforced redress? (Hear, hear.) Yet this had, in effect, been done.--Gen. Scott, whom he knew personally, was a remarkably gallant old fellow — twice the size of the Duke of Wellington, to whom some of the newspapers had compared him; but it was not to be admitted that he was ever likely to become as great a General.--Gen.Gen. Scott said that the North would disavow the act and make reparation. But he (Mr. Howe) did not believe it. Did Mr. Adams, the American Minister in London, believe it? One of the newspapers announced that Mr. Adams was preparing to go home; and it was very likely. Mr. Adams must know that right or wrong the people would attempt to justify the seizure; and that they would not make the amend they ought to do. Mr. Charles Sumner, (with Mr. E. Everett,) had attempted to justify the seizure.
Runaway in Jail. --Was committed to the jail of Henrico county, on the 23d of November, 1861, as a runaway, a Negro Man, who calls himself John, and says he is the property of Mrs. Mary Scott, of Albemarle county, Va.--Said negro is about 25 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, yellow complexion, and had on when committed a light winter suit of home pun clothes. The owner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. Geo. D. Pleasants, S. H. C. de 24--ts