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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
Davis Rice, Robert Ralston, T. M. Rutherfoord, Captain E. P. Reeve, John H. Rogers, D. C. Richardson, F. J. Riley. D. L. Smith, Alfred Sheild, Joseph H. Shepherd, Major Charles R. Skinker, John J, Sullivan, R. C. Selden, P. A. Sublett, George Savage, George A. Smith, F. T. Sutton, Joe Lane Stern, W. C. Smith, W. D. Snead, Colonel E. B. Smith, A. J. Simmons, Joseph Stukenburg, E. B. Snead, A. A. Spitzer, C. A. Spence, Captain E. Leslie Spence, William E. Simons, Thomas William Stagg, Thomas W. Scott, C. H. Sutton, Robert J. Smith, Lewis H. Stern, Edward Sully, Henry Schad, Charles E. Simons, Thomas C. Swann, J. L. Sydnor, Philip Samuels, W. F. Snider, H. J. Schlosser. H. B. Taliaferro, George W. Taylor, R. N. Thomas, E. G. Tompkins, James E. Tyler, E. B. Taylor, L. B. Tatum, Joseph P. Thomas, William E. Turner, Robert W. Thompson, Erasmus J. Tyler, Joseph W. Thomas, General William R. Terry, George W. Tolby, William H. Tatum, C. B. Tennant, John Tyler, John N. Talby, John R. Ty
. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, will be pressed for the office of Provisional President in the contemplated Southern Confederacy, the object being to conciliate the conservatives of the seceded States. The friends of the Pacific Railroad are congratulating themselves that the decided vote by which it passed the Senate secures its approval by the President. The amendments, however, have to be acted on by the House. Quite a scene occurred yesterday between the President and General Scott upon the declination or the former to authorize orders for an increase of the military force on the occasion of the inauguration. Later from key West. Key West, Fla., Jan. 22. --A Spanish man-of-war arrived yesterday from Havana with the Spanish Consul, and returned in the evening. Dr. Cormick, U. S. A., has arrived from Old Point. He has joined Capt. Brannan's company. The following list of officers are attached to Major Arnold's command: Br. Maj. L. G. Arnold, (N. J
a bill authorizing the issue of registered certificates of State stock to Frank Torrey, in lieu of two lost bonds; a bill authorizing payment of a sum of money to Scott and Adams; a bill for the relief of Thos. W. Scott; a bill to incorporate the American Agency; a bill to incorporate the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Alexandria; aThos. W. Scott; a bill to incorporate the American Agency; a bill to incorporate the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Alexandria; a bill for the voluntary enslavement of Jane Horton, of Fairfax county, without compensation to the State; a bill authorizing the payment to Scott and Adams of a sum of money for work done on the Southwestern Turnpike. Relief of Banks.--Mr. Isbell, from the Committee on Banks, to whom the House bill for the relief of the BanksScott and Adams of a sum of money for work done on the Southwestern Turnpike. Relief of Banks.--Mr. Isbell, from the Committee on Banks, to whom the House bill for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth was committed yesterday, reported the bill with an amendment. Resolutions of Inquiry.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted and appropriately referred: By Mr. Newman, of relieving the securities of Joshua H. Staats, dec'd, late Sheriff of Jackson county; by Mr French, of incorporating a Joint
sert. The Chair.--Certainly not. Mr. Wilson, of Harrison, had something which he desired to offer. He moved that the Committee rise. The Chair,--The motion is not in order.--The Committee has resolved to sit till 2 o'clock. Mr. Scott, of Fauquier, desired to present some views to the Committee, but had not designed to do so at this time. He understood the motion to be to strike out, and insert the substitute offered by the gentleman from Harrison, which was the propositionthe competing propositions. In that emanating from the committee, every ground of criticism had been removed; every ambiguity stricken out, and certain additions made, which ought to render them highly acceptable. After some further remarks, Mr. Scott called for the yeas and nays on the motion. The Chair was about to re-state the question, when Mr. Wise arose, and said that the President having done him the honor to place him on the committee, he had endeavored to discharge his dut
sembly; releasing to the personal representatives of A. C. Lane the rent due under his lease for a portion of the Public Armory; Senate bill for the relief of Thos. W. Scott, Sheriff of Dinwiddie county; Senate bill for the relief of E. N. Eubank, Commissioner of the Revenue for the city of Lynchburg; Senate bill to allow the claigh Border Guard, of Loudoun county." The House were informed, through Mr. Thompson, that the Senate had passed a bill, entitled "an act for the relief of Thomas W. Scott, of Dinwiddie county. A resolution to rescind a resolution, fixing a time of adjournment of the General Assembly, and designating another day, communicatement, notified Dr. Archer not to move them at all. What cause, then, was there for alarm, or for the passage of these harsh and illegal resolutions? Besides, General Scott had said that there was no need for the guns at Old Point, there being a large number of supernumerary cannon already there. The simple truth was, that the gu
s, and for defraying expenses of the General Assembly and Convention now in session, was taken from the table, and several amendments having been agreed to, the bill passed. Bills Passed.--House bill to incorporate the Preston and Augusta Railroad Company; House bill allowing compensation to the Clerk of the House of Delegates and Clerk of the Senate for services rendered during the present session of the General Assembly; releasing to the personal representatives of A. C. Lane the rent due under his lease for a portion of the Public Armory; Senate bill for the relief of Thos. W. Scott, Sheriff of Dinwiddie county; Senate bill for the relief of E. N. Eubank, Commissioner of the Revenue for the city of Lynchburg; Senate bill to allow the claims of the Hillsborough Border Guard, of the county of Londoun; Senate bill for the relief of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, as amended by the House; Senate bill for the relief of Nathaniel B. Harvey. On motion, the Senate adjourned.
The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Bostonian's view of affairs in Charleston. (search)
he Senate had passed a bill, entitled "an act to allow the claims of the Hillsborough Border Guard, of Loudoun county." The House were informed, through Mr. Thompson, that the Senate had passed a bill, entitled "an act for the relief of Thomas W. Scott, of Dinwiddie county. A resolution to rescind a resolution, fixing a time of adjournment of the General Assembly, and designating another day, communicated from the Senate, was taken up. Mr. McKenzie moved the indefinite postponement ofment, immediately on being apprised that the removal of the guns had provoked excitement, notified Dr. Archer not to move them at all. What cause, then, was there for alarm, or for the passage of these harsh and illegal resolutions? Besides, General Scott had said that there was no need for the guns at Old Point, there being a large number of supernumerary cannon already there. The simple truth was, that the guns were to be sent to Fort Monroe because it was the only convenient depot in Virgi
Charter election Wednesday,April 3RD, 1861.--The following gentlemen are presented to the voters of Madison Ward: for Councilmen. P. R. Grattan. D. J. Burr, Thos. H. Wynne, James A, Scott, George K. Critchfield. for Aldermen. James K. Caskie, R. M. Burton, J. J. Binford, James Bray, W. B. Smith, mh27 — tde Richmond.
onday, April 1, 1861. Speaker Critchfield called the House to order at 10 o'clock. Altering the Code.--The House were informed of the passage, by the Senate, of House bill amending and re-enacting the 45th section of chapter 85 of the Code of 1849, with amendments. The House agreed to Senate amendments. Senate Bills Passed.--Senate bills were passed for the relief of E. N. Eubank, Commissioner of the Revenue for the city of Lynchburg — yeas 93, nays 2; for the relief of Thomas W. Scott, Sheriff of Dinwiddie county--yeas 90, nays 3. Appropriation Bill.--The House proceeded to consider Senate amendments to House bill making appropriations for deficiencies in former appropriations, and for defraying expenses of the General Assembly and Convention now in session, which was debated and concurred Covington and Ohio Railroad.--A message was received from the Senate by Hon. Wm. Smith, who informed the House that the Senate had passed, with amendments, an act for the
for taxes on his ferry; by Mr. Critcher, of reporting a bill to refund the damages to such of the sureties of Jas. R. Courtney, late Sheriff of Westmoreland county, as may have been paid by them on judgements in favor of the Common wealth against said James R. Courtney, less the expenses incurred in collecting said judgments; by Mr. Dickinson, of Grayson, of authorizing the re-assessment of the lands of Daniel S. Dickinson, of Lee county; by Mr. Thompson, of reporting a bill allowing to Thos. W. Scott, Sheriff of Dinwiddie county, the same commission he would have been entitled to by law upon prompt payment of the revenue of said county into the treasury; by Mr. Critcher, of refunding to Albin L. Hardwick a certain sum of money erroneously paid by him into the treasury; by Mr. Gatewood, of releasing Jas. W. Smoots, Deputy Sheriff of J. J. Grandstaff, of Shenandoah county, from the payment of damages, if it shall appear that he has paid the full amount of the debt, interest and costs;