Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Scott or search for William Scott in all documents.

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Washington Items. --The Washington papers furnish but little news of interest. We copy the following : The Government would fain to see all three months men changed into volunteers for the duration of the war. It is satisfied that the call for three months service is more likely to impede than to benefit the intended operations. A great pressure is brought to bear on Gen. Scott, to induce him to order an advance of troops into Virginia. Even members of the Cabinet have been exerting themselves to the same effect, but he will not move on Richmond until he is quite ready. Chevalier Wikoff and Major Williamson, of the United States Engineer Corps, have arrived here with dispatches from Gen.Sickles to the Secretary of War tendering the Excelsior Brigade to the Government. The commanders of the several regiments are anticipating an early movement, but in what direction they do not know. They have all been notified to hold themselves in readiness for instant ord
awrence S. Marye, to show cause why he should not be fined for his contempt in not attending as a witness in the case of the State against James Edward Carter. John Delworth was tried for an assault on Solomon Hecht, and the jury not agreeing on a verdict, were discharged, and defendant let off on payment of costs. A nolle prosequi was entered in two cases pending against Albert L. Riddle for passing counterfeit notes, he having escaped from jail last February. The appeal of Wm. Scott, a free person of color, from the judgment of the Recorder, ordering him 39 lashes for indecent and insulting language to a white person, was heard by the Court, and affirmed. David W Hughes was put on trial for allowing an unlawful assembly of negroes and gambling in his house, and the jury not agreeing, the case was continued until the June term. Mordecai Carnell was tried for allowing his slave to go at large; being found guilty, ordered that he pay a fine of $10 and costs, or