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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anderson, Robert, -1871 (search)
s a graduate of West Point Military Academy, and entered the artillery. He was instructor for a while at West Point. He served in the Black Hawk War q. v.), and in Florida. In May, 1838, he became assistant adjutant-general on the stair of General Scott, and accompanied that officer in his campaign in Mexico, where he was severely wounded in the battle of Molino Del Rey (q. v.) In 1857 he was commissioned major of artillery, and in October, 1860, Secretary Floyd removed Colonel Gardiner fromer, he said, had 40,000 lb. of cannon powder and other ammunition, but was lying completely at the mercy of an enemy. He informed the Secretary of evident preparations for a speedy seizure of the defences of the harbor by South Carolinians. General Scott, aware of the weakness of the Sounthern forts, urged the government. from October until the close of December. to reinforce those on the coasts of the slave States. But nothing was done, and Anderson, left to his own resources, was; compel
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Annapolis, (search)
, ravines, and bottoms of streams, and the road was soon in such a condition that the troops moved on, on the morning of the 24th, at the rate of about one mile an hour, laying the track anew and building bridges, Skirmishers went ahead and scouts on the thanks. The distance to the Junction from Annapolis was 20 miles. They saw none of the terrible Marylanders they had been warned against. The troops reached Annapolis Junction on the morning of the 25th, when the 7th Regiment went on to Washington and the Massachusetts regiment remained to hold the railroads. Other troops arrived at Annapolis, and General Scott ordered Butler to remain there, hold the town and road, and superintend the forwarding of troops to Washington. The Department of Annapolis was created, which embraced the country 20 miles on each side of the railway to within 4 miles of the capital. The 7th Regiment were the first troops that reached Washington after the tragedy at Baltimore a week before. See Baltimore.
ssion of a brigadier-general. Thomas Cushing, of Massachusetts, was appointed adjutant-general with the rank of brigadier-general. James Wilkinson, of Maryland, the senior brigadier-general in the army, was sent to New Orleans to relieve Wade Hampton (then a brigadier-general), who was a meritorious subaltern officer in South Carolina during the Revolution. Alexander Macomb of the engineers--one of the first graduates of the United States Military Academy--was promoted to colonel, and Winfield Scott, Edward Pendleton Gaines, and Eleazer W. Ripley were commissioned colonels. In the summer of 1812, Gen. Joseph Bloomfield was sent to Lake Champlain with several regiments, and on September 1 he had gathered at Plattsburg about 8,000 men — regulars, volunteers, and militia — besides small advanced parties at Chazy and Champlain. General Dearborn took direct command of this army soon afterwards, and about the middle of November he made an unsuccessful attempt to invade Canada. No oth
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Aroostook disturbance. (search)
Aroostook disturbance. In 1837-39 the unsettled boundary between Maine and New Brunswick nearly led to active hostilities on the Aroostook River. Maine sent armed men to erect fortifications, and Congress authorized the President to resist the encroachments of the British. General Scott arranged a truce and joint occupation. The boundaries were finally adjusted by treaty, Aug. 9, 1842. See Ashburton, Lord; Maine; Webster, Daniel.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Balloons in War. (search)
Lincoln as follows. in June, 1861: Sir. from this point of observation we command an extent of country nearly 50 miles in diameter. I have pleasure in sending you the first telegram ever despatched from an aerial station, and acknowledging indebtedness to your encouragement for the opportunity of demonstrating the availability of the science of aeronautics in the service of the country. After sending the above despatch, Mr. Lowe was invited to the Executive Mansion and introduced to General Scott: and he was soon afterwards employed in the military service. When in use. the balloon was kept under control by strong cords in the hands of men on the ground, who, when the reconnoissance was ended, drew it down to the place of departure. During the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) balloons were freely used by both parties, Gambetta and other French authorities passed successfully over the investing lines of Germans; and captive or observation as well as floating balloons were freque
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, (search)
hastened to Washington. At an interview with the President and General Scott, the latter proposed to bring troops by water to Annapolis, and-pound cannon mounted at one end to fire grape and chain shot. General Scott planned a grand campaign against Baltimore. He proposed to movder of things there. He hastened to Washington to consult with General Scott, and simply asked permission to take a regiment or two from Anneneral commanding a department? asked Butler. Absolute, responded Scott. Butler ascertained that Baltimore was in his department, and he wment. He had proposed to do himself, with a few men, at once, what Scott proposed to do with 12.000 men in an indefinite time. On the aftertained all desired information. Through Col. Schuyler Hamilton, on Scott's staff, he received permission to arrest Confederates in and out , and the hold thus taken on Baltimore was never relinquished. General Scott was offended because of Butler's unauthorized act, and requeste
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brooks, William Thomas harbaugh, 1821-1870 (search)
Brooks, William Thomas harbaugh, 1821-1870 Military officer: born in New Lisbon. O., Jan. 28, 1821; graduated at West Point in 1841; served under Scott in the war against Mexico, and became brigadier-general of volunteers in 1861, serving in the Army of the Potomac. In July, 1864, he was temporarily in command of the 10th Army Corps, and resigned the same month. He died in Huntsville. Ala., July 19, 1870.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brown, Henry Kirke, 1814-1886 (search)
Brown, Henry Kirke, 1814-1886 Sculptor: born in Leyden, Mass., Feb. 24, 1814: studied portrait-painting in Boston, and after-wards spent several years in Italy, in the study of the plastic art. He settled in Brooklyn, N. Y., and became famous for his bronze statues. A figure by him was the first bronze statue ever made in the United States. Among his best works are an equestrian statue of Washington, in New York: an equestrian statue of General Greene, made for the State of Rhode Island; a colossal statue of De Witt Clinton, and Angel of the resurrection, in Greenwood Cemetery; a colossal equestrian statute of General Scott, and a statue of President Lincoln. He died in Newburg, N. Y., July 10, 1886.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Buena Vista, battle of. (search)
aylor received such instructions from the War Department that he declared (Nov. 13. 1846) the armistice granted at Monterey was at an end. General Worth marched, with 900 men, for Saltillo, the capital of Coahuila, and was followed the next day by Taylor, who left Gen. W. O. Butler. with some troops, to hold the conquered city of Monterey. Saltillo was taken possession of on Nov. 15. After several minor movements, and having been deprived of a large number of his troops by an order of General Scott to send them to reinforce an American army that was to attack Vera Cruz, Taylor was forced to act on the defensive with about 5,000 men. Informed that General Santa Ana (who had entered Mexico from his exile in Cuba. and had been elected President of Mexico in December) was gathering an army of 20,000 men at San Luis Potosi, Taylor resolved to form a junction with General Wool (who had entered Mexico with about 3.000 troops, crossing the Rio Grande at Presidio), and fight the Mexicans.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bull Run, battles of. (search)
st many small-arms and a large quantity of munitions Battle of Bull Run. of war, and medicine and hospital supplies. The Nationals were pursued some distance. Had the Confederates pressed on after the panic-stricken fugitives. the coveted prize of the national capital. with all its treasures, might have been won by them within twenty-four hours. Johnston had escaped from Patterson, reinforced Beauregard at a critical moment, and won a great victory through the forgetfulness of Lieutenant-General Scott. who had given Patterson positive directions not to move until he should receive further orders. These the commanding general forgot to send! Patterson knew of Johnston's movement, but his orders to wait were imperative. The first he heard of the disaster at Bull Run was through a morning paper from Philadelphia, on July 22. The result of the battle was published with great exaggeration on both sides. It produced unbounded joy among the Confederates and their friends, and the