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The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1861., [Electronic resource] 13 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wing Field Scott or search for Wing Field Scott in all documents.

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my fence is full now, and there was six applications yesterday to rent an improved knot hole. My landlord says that if more than three chaps set up housekeeping on one post, he'll be obliged to raise the rent. The greatest confidence in General Scott is felt by all, and it would do you good to see the gay old hero take the oath. He takes it after every meal, and the first thing when he gets up in the morning. Those Fire Zouaves are fellows of awful sanction, I tell you. Just for gretion, I tell you. Just for greens, I asked one of them yesterday what he came here for? "Hah !"says he, shutting one eye, "we came here to strike for your altars and your fires — especially your fires." Gen. Scott says that if he wanted these chaps to break through the army of the foc, held have a fire-bell rung for some district on the other side of the Rebels. He says that a half a million of traitors could not keep the Fire Zouaves out of that district five minutes. I believe him, my boy.
General Scott. We have never been among those who regretted the determination of General Wing Field Scott to remain at the head of the Northern Army. We have long been accustomed to hear him sGeneral Wing Field Scott to remain at the head of the Northern Army. We have long been accustomed to hear him styled, in the hyperbolical language so common in our country, the "great chieftain of the age," and have little doubt that he considers himself so; but have never yet seen any evidence of remarkable mIn the Mexican war, General Taylor whipped the poor devils so often and so thoroughly before General Scott appeared upon the field, that the latter, with the aid of Lee's engineering, had a comparatiiotism of the country promptly threw its mantle at the time over the old man's shoulders. Gen. Scott once visited Europe, and having heard himself so often called the "great captain of the age." t Wingfield, (or Winfield,) as be chooses to style it, was a man scarcely heard of. It is due to Scott's genuine courage to say that, none of the wounds he received in the late war, and which he refe