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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address on the character of General R. E. Lee, delivered in Richmond on Wednesday, January 19th, 1876, the anniversary of General Lee's birth (search)
and commissioned lieutenant of engineers; that he served upon the staff of General Scott through the brilliant campaign from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico, was thrice breveted for gallant and meritorious conduct, and was declared by General Scott to have borne a chief part in the counsels and the battles which ended with the sion in the dark days of 1861. He was the favorite soldier of all who followed Scott; he was the picked and chosen man for high command in the armies of the United d respected the organized, concentrated form of the Union, and he, the pupil of Scott, the follower of Washington, the son of Light Horse Harry, might and should andff in time and space. But small and great are relative, and the little army of Scott which gathered on the sands of Vera Cruz was little in much the same sense as te pupils were to ply their art on a wider scale to ends more terrible, and Wingfield Scott selected from them all Robert E. Lee as the chosen soldier. The time wa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Present: (search)
reatest injury to British shipping was done by privateers, chiefly sent from Baltimore, which captured nearly three hundred ships and many thousand prisoners. Wingfield Scott made himself and his regiments famous at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane, while Andrew Jackson whipped Packenham at New Orleans with men from Louisiana, Mississippio Alto to the ancient city of the Montezumas, and in which the troops of the American Union were led to victory by such men as Pierce, Butler, Zachary Taylor, Wingfield Scott, Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee. In that war of so much importance to the Republic the reports show: Northern volunteers, twenty-three thousand and eightyg done its best in every battle, having given its Washington to lead the armies of the Colonies, its Jackson to win the second victory over England, its Taylor and Scott to bring Mexico to terms, and having shown in all wars that the chivalry of the South means in part the readiness of its natural born soldiery to fight, we may say
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Rank, respectively, in the United States and Confederate States armies. (search)
his retirement. Nelson A. Miles also retired as a Lieutenant-General, and so did S. B. M. Young a few days ago, when Major-General Chaffee succeded to that rank. The number of generals in the Confederate service was eight. This equals the number of lieutenant-generals in the United States army from Washington to Chaffee. The Confederacy had nineteen Lieutenant-Generals. Grant was the only Federal officer who attained this rank during the war, though at the beginning of the war General Wingfield Scott held this rank by brevet. In the Confederate service the pay of officers was as follows—when they could get it—general, per month, $500; lieutenantgen-eral, $450; major-general, $350; brigadier-general, $300; colonel, infantry, $195; lieutenant-colonel, $170; major, $150; captain, $130; lieutenant, $90 and $80. In the cavalry, artillery and engineer corps the pay of colonel was $210 per month, and other officers in proportion. In the cavalry privates were supposed to receive $12
Fuss and Feathers. --Gen. Wingfield Scott will be seventy-five years of age on the 13th of June--perhaps!
e U. S. army which marches on Richmond by the valley route will require a General of consummate ability. Mansfield would be competent for the position, but cannot well be spared from headquarters here, in consequence of the declining health of Gen. Scott. Mansfield is from Connecticut, and graduated at West Point in the Engineers, in 1822. He is about 60 years old, and one of the most valuable officers of the army. The invasion of Virginia, by the way of Alexandria, will also require a Gprobably be entrusted to General Beauregard, who will enter upon the duty cox amore. In the opinion of Major Anderson, Beauregard is a soldier of infinite resources, and equal to almost any emergency. Now, it is readily to be inferred from Gen. Scott's well-known caution that he would not dream of making a movement upon Richmond, by the three routes above described, with less than 50,000 troops--20,000 for the Valley route, 20,000 for the Alexandria route, and at least 10,000 for York River
mighty multitude of the most magnificent military names ever know in human history, were still fresh upon the earth Wingfield Scott could have created a sensation as the most prodigious military comet that had ever blazed across the sky? We have n gentleman of real merit, and whose modesty is as great as his merit, Robert E. Lee. The amazing vanity petulance of Scott have involved him in innumerable difficulties with the civil and military authorities of his own Government, and even witver able to keep on good terms with? He quarreled with Gen. Jackson, but Old Hickory soon brought him to his senses, and Scott fairly wilted beneath the wrath of that genuine man. Never was there a more complete back down than Jackson forced upon SScott. He was foolish enough to pitch into old Marcy, and Marcy replied in a cool and excoriating epistle, which scarcely left a whole spot upon his body. He fell out with noble old Gen. Taylor a man so just, so self-poised, and so amiable as well a
of the New York Tribune. No one knows better than Wingfield Scott that the ashes of Washington are dearer to those bandson despot now uses the term. No one knows better than Wingfield Scott that the people of the South are not the vandals and bheld by refusing to be a "rebel," and holding on, like Wingfield Scott, to the loaves and fishes. He might have had any rank, and what Scott will appreciate equally, any emolument, if he had stood by the King and deserted his country. But, like Most of Washington! Did Washington ever think of self, and did Scott ever think of anything else? Did Washington ever hesitate ifices, and is it not dollars and cents alone that has made Scott a traitor to Virginia? It is his salary as Lieutenant-Genecism and love of gold, save only Benedict Arnold, who, like Scott, was bought with a price, has reached the sordid and heartl of mankind must be be slavered with the slimy adulation of Edward Everett, and his sepulchre guarded by the traitor Scott!
wledge when we say, that while the country has been wickedly made to believe that the time of the Administration has been occupied with the disposal of offices, four fifths of all the hours spent in consultation by the Cabinet have been devoted to the consideration of the all important question — how to save Fort Sumter and avert from the Government the dishonor of abandoning it to the miserable traitors who for months have been in open rebellion against the authority of the Government? Generals Scott and Totten, and all the military and naval chiefs at Washington, have been consulted; every plan which military science could conceive or military during suggest, has been attentively considered and maturely weighed, with a hope at least that the work of the traitor Buchanan was not so complete as he and his associates supposed. But all in vain. There stands the isolated, naked fact--Fort Sumter cannot be relieved because of the treason of the late Administration, and Major Anderson an
Gen. Butler. It is again announced that the old hero at Fortress Monroe, "Bombastes Furioso," is to leave that post, and, as it is expressed, for one of "more active service." This is refreshing intelligence. We would like to know why Butler does not find the service "active" enough in the Peninsula? If he has been pining for employment, why did he not accompany Pierce to Bethel? Why has he not fulfilled his various threats of taking Richmond and Norfolk? What has he done at Fortress Monroe except capture contrabands, steal chickens, and defile and burn private property? The miserable pretender! In what other military service on the face of the earth could such an egregious humbug be tolerated? We learn that he was hugely delighted at the result of the great battle of Manassas, which proved that other people can lose a fight as well as Beauregard, and that Scott and he will go down to posterity in the same category,
Gen. Scott. It was always the great boast of Gen. Scott's friends, before the battle of ManassGen. Scott's friends, before the battle of Manassas, that he never suffered a defeat The Lieutenant-General has been very successful in making the puly, a great many being killed and wounded, and Scott himself made prisoner of war. In the bloody baeans and resources, conquered gloriously where Scott had failed, and taught the Indians of Florida eer falsification of history to pretend that Gen. Scott has never known defeat. He was successful igave way readily before the splendid column of Scott, composed in great part of Old Zack's regularsnine favors, when he is refused the hundredth, Scott never forgave Virginia for declining to vote fnteer subordinate in the same war, should beat Scott in a Presidential campaign, and receive the voo one is more despised and execrated than Wingfield Scott, and the North, which has used him only ted with his name, now scarcely ever refer to Gen. Scott. It is Gen. McClellan who orders this and th