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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], An African letter — opinions of a colored candidate. (search)
n represent long nough by white trash. Mister Sergur say he can git our money dat is coming to us, but yah! yah! yah! Joe Seegur git my money! I len dat Joe Seegur ten dollar when I hab the honor to keep barber shop in Hamton bout twenty-five yearJoe Seegur ten dollar when I hab the honor to keep barber shop in Hamton bout twenty-five year ago. Some time he say he owe me and want to borrow more, den he done forgot all about it till he mind me of it wid de bankrupt. Git Joe Sergur to git dat money! dat would be de las of Seegur and de money too. Dat Seegur got no coziness wid dat plaSeegur and de money too. Dat Seegur got no coziness wid dat place. Its too much money for one white trash to handle. I shall son one ob my eullud frens to beat him our of his beats. I hab compassion on my cullud opponents. I hab git de post-office (apple stand at de door) and another position in de Treasury Seegur got no coziness wid dat place. Its too much money for one white trash to handle. I shall son one ob my eullud frens to beat him our of his beats. I hab compassion on my cullud opponents. I hab git de post-office (apple stand at de door) and another position in de Treasury (oyster cellar under de building.) I shall take my place in Kongress long side of Mr. Luhjaw, and the venabble mister Crittan end, and Mr. Bingham, Dey hab all wrote me dat day had reserve me a seat by dem, and dat I should have a share in