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The Daily Dispatch: August 29, 1861., [Electronic resource] 18 0 Browse Search
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aring date at Charleston, August 3d, signed by Morris Seligman. The writer says that he knows pretty well whaEngland and France will soon acknowledge us. Morris Seligman. As we have said before, the very imuir was arrested in Jersey City, August 14, and Mr. Seligman's letter was at that time in his possession. Mr reach this city until the 19th--five days after Mr. Seligman's letter was seized. It answers fully and emphatically to Mr. Seligman's description, when he says that "it disposes of the Yankees." But this is a general cparticular in which it verifies the statement of Mr. Seligman. In that letter, speaking of Mr. Jefferson Davillable, the language attributed to Lord Lyons by Mr. Seligman--and which the British Minister evidently considis conclusive. This fully confirms the truth of Mr. Seligman's statements. But irrefragable as this prooe Confederate Government. This is probably what Mr. Seligman refers to at the close of his letter, more confi