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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 707 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 112 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 89 1 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 87 5 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 73 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 67 5 Browse Search
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 44 4 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 37 1 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 29 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 28 0 Browse Search
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ound. Time-killers on the river negro boat-hands cotton Loading from slides Overboard! fighting the tiger hard aground! delay and depression Admiral Raphael Semmes news of the Baltimore riot speculation as to its results. The day after the race our trio exhausted all usual resources of boat life. We lounged in r knew that their quiet fellow-passenger was the most widely known rebel of them all. Many a man has read, with quickening breath, of the bold deeds of Admiral Raphael Semmes; and some have traced his blazing track to the, perhaps, Quixotic joust that ended his wild sea-kingship, never recalling that impassive fellow-passenger.ee convention? --Has Bragg commenced business? --and a thousand equally eager questions popped from the impatient crowd, There is news, indeed! answered Captain Semmes. Listen,. my friends, for the war has commenced in earnest. And here, on the quiet southern river, we first heard how Baltimore had risen to drive out the
the people; down to a depth of despairing gloom, only the deeper from the height of their previous exultation. The dark cloud from Gettysburg rolled back over Richmond, darkened and made dense a hundred fold in the transit. The terrible carnage of that field was exaggerated by rumor. Pickett's gallant division was declared annihilated; it was believed that the army had lost 20,000 men; and it was known that such priceless blood as that of Garnett, Pettigrew, Armistead, Pender, Kemper, Semmes and Barksdale had sealed the dreadful defeat. It only needed what came the next day, to dash the last drop from the cup of hope the people still tried to hold to their lips; and that was the news of the fall of Vicksburg, on the 4th of July. And out of the thick darkness that settled on the souls of all, came up the groan of inquiry and blame. Why had the campaign failed? they asked. Why had General Lee been forced into battle on ground of the enemy's choosing? Why had he attack
Mr. Mallory iron-clads vs. cruisers the parole of Pirate Semmes what iron-clads might have done Treasury and Navy the a few weeks she ran out of New Orleans, in command of Raphael Semmes, and the stars and bars were floating solitary, but de held power in 1866. In the January of that year, Raphael Semmes was seized and thrown into prison. He was now chargedxisted! From incontrovertible testimony, we know that Captain Semmes only raised the white flag, after his vessel began to vengeance on a disarmed enemy, raised the absurd plea that Semmes became a prisoner of war by raising the white flag; that bIt would have no doubt been chivalric and beautiful in Raphael Semmes to have drowned in the ocean, because the boat of the f, a release. There is no necessity for defense of Captain Semmes' position; but it may be well to record how blind is torthern-nothing but glory under the southern flag. If Raphael Semmes be a pirate, then was the northern recognition of bell
f Congress preparing to leave Washington on account of the secession of the States which they represented. This threat received little attention from those most concerned. Indeed, it was thought that it might not be an undesirable mode of testing the question of the right of a State to withdraw from the Union. Mr. Davis remained a week in Washington, hoping that he might be the person arrested. A part of this time he was ill and confined to his bed. To him came Commodore Shubrick, Captain Semmes, General Floyd, Colonel Chesnut, Senator Wigfall, C. C. Clay, and others too numerous to mention, as Southern men anxious about the fate of their country. I did not hear the conversations or know the purport of them from my husband, but was pained to see the deep depression under which he labored. The only time he ever seemed cheerful was when he spoke of his hope that the moderation of the President and his advisers would restrain the ardor of the anti-slavery men. If they will give m
emented the lack of drugs made contraband of war, and by the aid of his own ingenuity and that of his corps, supplied the surgical instruments, which were unfortunately scarce and especially needful for the hospitals in the field. General Gorgas was appointed Chief of Ordnance, and if space were permitted to particularize the incalculable service he rendered, the offering would be gladly made to the memory of one who was as unpretending as he was useful and devoted to the cause. Captain Semmes wvas sent to the North to buy guns and all the available arms in the market, and also to get machinery and artisans for Government arsenals and shops; he ably performed the service, but the intervention of the civil authorities prevented the delivery of the arms and machinery. He was also directed to buy vessels suitable for defensive and offensive use, but unfortunately could find none. Major Huse was sent to Europe, on the third day after Mr. Davis's inauguration, to buy arms there.
slept upon the field every night, and was exposed to fire all day. About this time Mr. Davis gave me news of the Sumter. From President Davis to Mrs. Davis. Confederate States of America, Executive Department, July 7, 1862. The Sumter was found to be unseaworthy, and as she could not be prepared at Gibraltar, she was laid up there, the crew discharged, and the officers ordered to go home. Becket sailed from Hamburg, and reached Nassau about the middle of June on his way home. Captain Semmes sailed from England, and reached the same port a few days thereafter, and finding orders which assigned him to a new vessel The 290, or the Alabama. now under construction, returned from Nassau to England to superintend the building of his vessel, and took Becket with him. Nothing important from the army to-day; the enemy are still sending off demoralized troops, and are said to be still receiving reinforcements. If, as is reported, they are leaving the Southern Coast and the Tenn
killed. During the night, the Federals concentrated and fortified a ridge of high ground from Cemetery Hill running back of the town on the right, to Round Top on the left. Here they confronted Lee on July 2d. At four o'clock on July 2d, Longstreet's corps, except Pickett, who had not yet arrived, assailed the extreme left of the Federal line. Longstreet gained ground up to the Emmettsburg road, and captured artillery and colors. General Hood was wounded, and Generals Barksdale and Semmes were killed. Ewell's divisions (at 8 P. M.) charged up the Cemetery Hill, over the crest and the stone walls, and met the enemy in a hand to hand contest; the crest gained, they held it until compelled to retire by the advance of the enemy in overwhelming force. On July 3d, General Lee, encouraged by the successes of the two preceding days, determined to endeavor to break through the enemy's centre, and for that purpose, Pickett's division, just arrived, and numbering 4,760 officers
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 61: the Washington artillery of New Orleans. (search)
oast of the United States in the neighborhood of New York and Boston, and Commander Wood captured over thirty of the enemy's vessels. For these services he received the thanks of the Confederate Congress, and was promoted to be Post Captain. Throughout all these hot encounters his piety and gentle consideration for others was conspicuous on every field. The gallant Captain Wilkinson's deeds pressed close upon those of his friend and brother-officer, and the world will not forget Commanders Semmes, Maffitt, Pegram, Maury, Loyal, Jones, and other naval heroes who are too rich in fame to need my mite. None fought more gallantly than Heros von Borcke, an Austrian officer of distinction, who came to offer his sword, and was assigned to J. E. B. Stuart's cavalry, and served with conspicuous bravery until severely wounded; he left the service with broken health. The President, loath to relinquish him, wrote to acknowledge the aid he had given, and sent him on a mission to England
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 80: General Joseph E. Johnston and the Confederate treasure. (search)
ral Johnston's tardiness in disavowing his connection with the unworthy insinuations against the Confederate President and Cabinet in the article referred to. I will state as briefly as possible my connection with the Confederate Treasury. The President from Danville proceeded to Charlotte, N. C. We arrived at Abbeville, S. C., the morning of May 2d. At Abbeville, S. C., the Treasury officers reported the train at the depot, having been a part of the time under the escort of Admiral Raphael Semmes's little naval force to protect it from the Federal cavalry, who were raiding on a parallel line with our route, between us and the mountains. Mr. G. A. Trenholm, the Secretary of the Treasury, having been left quite ill near the Catawba River, the President appointed the Postmaster-General, Honorable John H. Reagan, acting Secretary of the Treasury, who took charge of that Department, and placed the coin under charge of the cavalry to convoy it to Washington, Ga. The party left for
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Fifth annual meeting of the Southern Historical Society, October 31st., 1877. (search)
th rapturous applause, and the thanks of the Society were warmly voted to the orator for his able and eloquent address, and a copy requested for publication. General Early paid a brief but touchinly-appropriate tribute to the memory of Admiral Raphael Semmes, late Vice-President of the Society for the State of Alabama, and, on motion of General Dabney H. Maury, the following minute was unanimously adopted: The death of Admiral Raphael Semmes, the Vice-President of this Society for the StatAdmiral Raphael Semmes, the Vice-President of this Society for the State ot Alabama, having occurred since the last annual meeting, the Sciety takes this occasion to express its high admiration for the exalted character, eminent abilities, and distinguished services ot the deceased, and its profoi)lnd regret for the loss the Society has sustained in his death; which is ordered to be entered on the Journal. Fifth annual report of the Executive Committee of the Southern Historical Society, for year Ending October 31st, 1877. General D. H. Maury then read the