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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 2.-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1, 1862. (search)
At the same time Lieutenant Luce, with the second launch and its rifled gun, and Lieutenant Barnes, with the Hale, were sent to the lower landing to protect the boats and steamer in which our troops had crossed, and superintend their removal to the ferry, which was accomplished about midnight. At sunrise we reembarked our boat-guns. At thirty minutes past nine o'clock on the morning of the 2d, the enemy again appearing in the wood, we opened a hot fire of shot and shells from the Ottawa, Seneca, Pembina, Ellen, and Hale, and after firing briskly for a time slackened the fire so as to drop a shot or shell into the woods about once a minute. At forty minutes past nine o'clock our troops began to recross the ferry, and were all over by noon, our field-guns having been landed, at the request of General Stevens, to cover the rear of the returning column. The enemy made no further demonstration. The scows which had been used in crossing were taken to our vessels, to be towed to Beaufo
Doc. 21.-expedition to Savannah, Ga: the flanking of Fort Pulaski. Captain Davis's report. Flag-ship Wabash, Port Royal harbor, S. C., February 1, 1862. sir: I have the honor to inform you that, in obedience to your orders, I got under way on Sunday morning, the twenty-sixth ultimo, and sailed from this harbor, having under my command the gunboats Ottawa, Lieut. Commanding Stevens; Seneca, Ammen; and the armed steamers Isaac Smith, Nicholson; Potomska, Watmough; Ellen, Master Commanding Budd; Western World, Gregory; and the two armed launches of this ship; and having in company the transports Cosmopolitan, Delaware and Boston, on board of which were the Sixth Connecticut, the Fourth New-Hampshire, and the Ninety-Seventh Pennsylvania regiments; in all twenty-four hundred men, commanded by Brigadier-General H. G. Wright. Commander C. R. P. Rodgers accompanied the expedition. The vessels anchored in Warsaw Sound the same evening. On Monday morning Gen. Wright came on
, accompanied by the Ellen, Seminole, Pawnee, Pocahontas, Flag, Florida, James Adger, Bienville, Alabama, Keystone State, Seneca, Huron, Pembina, Isaac Smith, Penguin, Potomska, armed cutter Henrietta, armed transport McClellan, the latter having on accompanied by the following gunboats and other light-draft vessels, namely: the Ottawa, Lieut. Commanding Y. H. Stevens; Seneca, Lieut. Commanding D. Ammen; Huron, Lieut. Commanding G. Downes; Pembina, Lieut Commanding J. P. Bankhead; Isaac Smith, Lt twelve o'clock M. At evening they left Warsaw Sound in the following order: Wabash, Susquehanna, Florida, Flag, Ottawa, Seneca, Huron, Pembina, Isaac Smith, Penguin, Pawnee, James Adger, Potumska, Pocahontas, pilot-boat Hope, Seminole, Ellen, AlabanFourthN.-Hamp'e Ottawa,Co. B,70menFourthN.-Hamp'e Ottawa,Co. C,80menFourthN.-Hamp'e Ottawa,Band,33menFourthN.-Hamp'e Seneca,Co. D,69menFourthN.-Hamp'e Huron,Co. I,76menFourthN.-Hamp'e Pembina,Co. H,79menFourthN.-Hamp'e Isaac Smith,Co. K,76men
Jacksonville, Fla., March 17, 1862. On Wednesday, the twelfth inst., at seven A. M., signals were made by the Ottawa to get under way, and in fifteen minutes we were steaming up the St. John's, bound to Jacksonville. The weather was rather inauspicious — sun obscured, air damp and chilly, and wind prophetic from N. N. E. Yet withal the trip was not unpleasant. As we left Mayport astern, the vessels took their regular positions in line of sailing: Ottawa (acting flag-ship) leading; Seneca, Pembina, Isaac P. Smith, and Ellen, following. The latter steamer was detached soon after to take aboard and bring up some captured guns. Owing to a comparative ignorance of the channel, which is exceedingly intricate and difficult of passage, we were obliged to proceed very slowly. About four miles above Mayport, on St. John's bluffs, (the site of the old Spanish fort, Caroline) bold highlands that rise perpendicularly thirty feet from the water, the rebels had cleared away a consider