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ountry towards Tucson and forming a junction with the troops in New Arizona and Mexico, and then entering Texas by way of El Paso. If such is the case, they will probably be surprised to learn that their friends have been captured, and that they will have to meet a strong Texas force instead of a strong body of Federal friends. The election in the State of Tamaulipas for Governor having resulted, as the friends of Serna aver, in their favor, it is publicly announced that a small revolution will have to occur before Mr. Serna can reap the fruits of his victory. We know nothing of this matter more than we are told, which is that Gen. Gareia says he does not intend to allow the successful party to take office. Gen. Garcia has a strong force to back him, and it is probable that he may keep his friends in power. Gen. Saas, an old retired Mexican officer, has been in Matamoras the past week, and it is thought that he is having a hand in the row which is brewing in Tamaulipas.
d to join Caravajal. Commandante Pena, editor of the oticipsc. has raised a brigade, and is now approaching the city of Matsmoras, in charge of a large conductas of $180,000, which the merchants of Matamoras started to Tampico, but which Governor Serna refused to let pass, as Tampico is in rebellion. We understand that Commandants Capistran is anxious to obtain, and has casually solicited, assistance from the military authorities on the Texas side of the Rio Grande. As a matter of course, the request must have been declined. Gov. Serna is represented to be a next estimable gentlemen, with a good Kentucky education, a large fortune, and many ranched. He is young, hospitable, brave, and patrioted He was elected Governor, and Governor he intends to be. The Spanish brigand, Cobes, was recently caught near San Luis, and summary Thor It is reported that Gen. Marquez has been taken prisoner in the interior, and that he has been shot. Gov. Vidaurri, of the State of N
both forces involuntarily thought and suggested a compromise of local differences, in presence of the great national danger, and through the mediation of Maj. Fairfax Gray; C. S. A., acting under instructions from Lt. View was arranged between the contending chiefs. however, after sundry notes back and forth, the conference came to a dead halt under the following ultimatums, which were respectively submitted: By Caravajal; 1. that a general amnesty should be proclaimed by Gov. Serna to all but the chiefs of the opposite party, who were to be subject to such a prosecution as the law officers might wage. 2. that the city of Matamoras was to be unconditionally surrendered. by Garcia; 1. That Caravajal should withdraw his forces to Reynosa, and that a truce should be concluded until the dispute could be referred to the Government at the city of Mexico, both parties agreeing to abide by the decision of the National Government. 2. Or, that Garcia would surr
es have dates from New Orleans to the 16th inst. Major-Gen. Herron had arrived at Brownsville, Texas, to take command of the "Army of the Frontier," on the Rio Grande, and Major-Gen. Dana had left to take command of the coast expedition. Governor Serna, of the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico, having levied various sums of money upon American residents of the State, was compelled to refund by Gen. Dana, who, in order to enforce his demands took possession of the ferry-boats at Brownsville and Freeport, and had his forces drawn up with two days rations. Governor Serna immediately made restitution. The gunboat Kennebec, on the 7th Inst., captured the schooner John Scott, which had run the blockade off Mobile. She had on board 110 bales of cotton and some turpentine. In her efforts to get away forty bales of cotton were thrown overboard. During December the Kennebec captured two schooners and one steamer, with over eight hundred bales of cotton, forty prisoners, and a dog. T
ppi Department, has been attached by the English house of Milmo & Co., of Matamoras, for the alleged failure on the part of Major Hart, A. Q. M., an agent of the Confederate States Government, in meeting his contracts with that house for cotton.--The same house also attached a large amount of cotton in transitu in Mexico, belonging to the Government, on the same account. Gen. A. J. Hamilton, the Abolition appointee as Military Governor of Texas, had a public reception in Matamoras by Gov. Serna and Cortinas. In a speech at the banquet he announced that in case the French advance on Matamoras the Yankees would help the Mexicans whip them out. Hamilton has as yet issued no proclamation that we have heard of, before of the Yankees 500 strong, have advanced from Brownsville on King's Ranch. They met with no opposition. Col. Benaredes and Col. John S. Ford, the old ranger, are raising a force in the west to suppress the Mexican bandits now depredating on our soil. The Yankee f