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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The army before Charleston in 1863. (search)
a heavy rifle. The obvious and commonly adopted remedy for this weakness is to strengthen the walls with metal shields or armor plating, rather than discard all protection by resorting to open batteries or earth-works, in which both guns and gunners are in full view of the enemy. It might be impossible to serve guns so exposed, even for a brief period, against armored or iron-clad ships showering grape and canister from large calibers, and leaden bullets from machine-guns Brevet Brigadier-General E. W. Serrell (see P. 72) from a photograph. and sharp-shooters. The protection of the men at their guns is beyond question a consideration of the highest moment; it is indeed an essential consideration. Even in our casemated works special precautions are taken to prevent the entrance of missiles. In those last built the embrasures were supplied with iron shutters to stop grape, canister, and rifle bullets, so that the men might not be driven from their guns. The lessons of all modern
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 1.9 (search)
l Gillmore, while at breakfast, told Colonel Edward W. Serrell, Volunteer Engineers,--now General SGeneral Serrell, the distinguished civil engineer of New York City,--of the great desirability of securing atter. As soon as breakfast was finished, Colonel Serrell and Lieutenant Nathan M. Edwards, of his tinctly seen. A position was selected by Colonel Serrell, as he says in his official report, at a 00 yards from Charleston. In the evening Colonel Serrell reported to General Gillmore that he beli time that a requisition had been sent to Colonel Serrell by some one, more of a wit than an officeion of the marsh battery was submitted by Colonel Serrell to General Gillmore. It received his immand-bags. A mock battery was built under Colonel Serrell's orders to the left of the proposed marse of St. Michael's Church in Charleston. Colonel Serrell, assisted by Lieutenant Edwards, had laidhe gun was given an elevation of 31° 30°, Colonel Serrell having had the top carriage altered to en[3 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing land forces at Charleston, S. C. (search)
3d R. I., Capt. Richard G. Shaw; H, 3d R. I., Capt. Augustus W. Colwell; I, 3d R. I., Capt. Charles G. Strahan; M, 3d R. I., Capt. Joseph J. Comstock, Jr.; B, 1st U. S., Lieut. Guy V. Henry; C, 1st U. S. (detachment), Lieut. James E. Wilson; E, 3d U. S., Lieut. John R. Myrick; B, 3d N. Y., Capt. James E. Ashcroft; F, 3d N. Y., Lieut. Paul Birchmeyer. Miscellaneous: Detachment 11th Me., Lieut. Charles Sellhmer; Detachment I, 1st Mass. Cav., Lieut. Charles V. Holt; 1st N. Y. Engineers, Col. Edward W. Serrell. North end of Folly Island, Brig.-Gen. Israel Vogdes. African Birigade, Brig.-Gen. Edward A. Wild: 55th Mass., Col. Norwood P. Hallowell; 1st N. C., Col. James C. Beecher; 2d N. C. (detachment), Col. Alonzo G. Draper; 3d N. C. (detachment), Capt. John Wilder. Foster's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. R. S. Foster: 13th Ind., Col. Cyrus J. Dobbs; 112th N. Y., Col. Jeremiah C. Drake; 169th N. Y., Col. Clarence Buell. Alford's Brigade, Col. Samuel M. Alford: 3d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. E. G. Floyd; 89
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at the beginning of Grant's campaign against Richmond. (search)
ite: 8th Me., Lieut.-Col. Henry Boynton; 4th N. H., Col. Louis Bell; 55th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Frank T. Bennett; 97th Pa., Col. Henry R. Guss. Second Brigade, Col. Jeremiah C. Drake: 13th Ind., Col. Cyrus J. Dobbs; 9th Me., Col. Sabine Emery; 112th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Elial F. Carpenter; 169th N. Y., Col. John McConihe. Artillery: 33d N. Y., Capt. Alger M. Wheeler; C, 3d R. I., Capt. Martin S. James; E, 3d U. S., Lieut. Joseph P. Sanger. unattached troops: 1st N. Y. Engineers (8 co's), Col. Edward W. Serrell; 4th Mass. Cav. (First Battalion), Capt. Lucius Richmond. Eighteenth Army Corps, Maj.-Gen. William F. Smith. first division, Brig.-Gen. William T. H. Brooks. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Gilman Marston: 81st N. Y., Col. Jacob J. De Forest; 96th N. Y., Col. Edgar M. Cullen; 98th N. Y., Col. Frederick F. Wead; 139th N. Y., Col. Samuel H. Roberts. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Hiram Burnham: 8th Conn., Col. John E. Ward; 10th N. H., Lieut.-Col. John Coughlin; 13th N. H., Col. Aaron F. St
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Petersburg and Richmond: December 31st, 1864. (search)
8th Pa., Lieut.-Col. William A. Corrie; 13th Pa., Col. Michael Kerwin; 16th Pa., Lieut.-Col. John K. Robison; H and I, 1st U. S. Art'y, Lieut. T. B. von Michalowski. Third Brigade, Col. Charles H. Smith: 1st Me., Lieut.-Col. Jonathan P. Cilley; 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles, Capt. Samuel D. Stevenson; 6th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. George W. Dickinson; 21st Pa., Maj. Robert Bell. Unattached: 13th Ohio, Maj. Stephen R. Clark. Army of the James, Maj.-Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. Engineers: 1st N. Y., Col. Edward W. Serrell. Naval Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles K. Graham. twenty-Fourth Army Corps, Maj.-Gen. E. O. C. Ord (on leave), Brig.-Gen. Alfred H. Terry. Headquarters' Guard: 8th Conn., Col. John E. Ward. Provost Guard and Orderlies: F and K, 4th Mass. Cav. (detachments), Capt. Joseph J. Baker. first division, Brig.-Gen. Robert S. Foster. First Brigade, Col. Thomas O. Osborn: 39th Ill., Capt. Homer A. Plympton; 62d Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Henry R. West; 67th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Henry S. Commag