Sachs, Hans, 234.
Sacobezon, an Indian chief, 207.
Sailly, Madame de, 47.
St. Gothard Pass, 223.
Salem, Mass., 240.
Sannazaro, J., 54.
Savannah, Ga., 119.
Scherb, Emmanuel V., 239.
Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph, 112.
Schoolmaster, the, 67, 68.
Scott, Sir, Walter, 7, 265.
Scudder, Horace E., 24, 73, 243; his Longfellow and his Art, mentioned, 53; his Men and Letters, cited, 54 note; quoted, 261; his Lowell, cited, 168 note; on Longfellow, 269.
Sebago Pond, 51.
Sevigne, Madame de, 121.
Shakespeare, William, 2, 5, 8, 32, 66.
Shelley, Percy B., 9, 262, 280.
Shepley, Rev., David, 19.
Sidney, Sir, Philip, 77; his Defence of Poesy, mentioned, 75.
Skinner, Mrs., 88.
Solis, Anthony de, 188.
Southey, Robert, 7, 46.
Spain, 50, 55, 66, 83.
Sparks, Jared, 118, 178; letter from, to Longfellow, 29, 30.
Spectator, the London, 69.
Stackelberg, Baron, 95.
Stael, Madame de, 121.
Stephenson, Samuel, 14.
Stettin, 98.
Stockoe, Mr., 95.
Stockoe, Mrs., 95.