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speeches in the campaign against Douglas, were prepared by Republican committees. "Do you think he is a Coercionist by nature?" "Not at all." "Can Seward control him?" "He will be a nose of wax in Seward's hands." Union-idolaters in Virginia, who look to Seward as their party leader in the future, may derSeward's hands." Union-idolaters in Virginia, who look to Seward as their party leader in the future, may derive some comfort from the above statement. But the New York Journal of Commerce, commenting favorably on the choice of provisional officers to preside over the Southern Confederation, has well said: "It is the weak and the incompetent who plunge their people into war, and precipitate its terrible calamities." The Tribune is Seward as their party leader in the future, may derive some comfort from the above statement. But the New York Journal of Commerce, commenting favorably on the choice of provisional officers to preside over the Southern Confederation, has well said: "It is the weak and the incompetent who plunge their people into war, and precipitate its terrible calamities." The Tribune is out in a dirty and abusive article on Virginia. Gen. Duff Green's idea of "moving Wall street to Richmond," is made the text of its foul discourse. The Tribune also publishes column after column of extracts from Republican newspapers to show that the North is opposed to any compromise whatever. Mr. Hunter stated on yesterda
The brig John Balch; Whaley, from Cardenas, arrived at Wilmington, N. C., on the 14th inst., with 236 hhds. and 5 tcsnew crop Cuba Molasses. Mr. Seward has engaged the house lately occupied by Gen. Cass, in Washington. Mr. Lincoln will be the guest of the Senator until the 4th of March. The Boston Common Council have concurred with the Board of Aldermen in inviting Senator Crittenden to visit Boston after the adjournment of Congress. James K. Marriott, Commonwealth's Attorney of Wake county, N. C., died on the 15th inst. Phelan, of New York, is about to give another billiard tournament, and a champion billiard table worth $1,000 will be the prize. The sum of $784.50 has been subscribed in New York for the relief of the families of the men at Fort Sumter. A Palmetto flag, suspended from a telegraph wire, at Shippensburg, Pa., was destroyed by an excited crowd on the 14th. The North Carolina House of Commons has killed the stay law dead. Co
Arrival of the City of Baltimorethe American crisis Absorbing Public attention in England.a truce between Sardinia and the Bourbons. New York,Feb, 16, --The steamer City of Baltimore, from Liverpool on the 30th ult., which was announced below late last night, has arrived. The American crisis was the leading topic of the English journals and among the business community. Senator Seward's speech had been published in all the papers and its merits freely canvassed. The London Times applauds his argument that South Carolina is guilty of rebellion, and says they are the principles which should have emanated from President Buchanan. A young man named Thomas Donigan, hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, has committed a murder in Liverpool by stabbing, and also nearly killed his father. Trade in France was very dull. The duty on oil and rags has been reduced at Naples. The latest advices from Gaeta say that a flag of truce had been sent to the Sardinia f
Congressional. Washington,Feb. 16. --Senate--Mr. Seward's amendment to the Tariff bill, extending the term of warehousing to three years, was adopted. So it now remains as in 1857. The bill was not finally acted on. House.--The Committees of Conference reported that they had agreed to the Deficiency and Legislative bills. Evening session unimportant. Adjourned.