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Government paper, makes, if possible, a more gloomy record. It says: "Things begin to look squally. A Government dollar is worth but 55½ cents; speculation is running up the prices of the necessaries of life even faster than the Government paper runs down; the wealth of the country is passing from the many to the few, and the laboring classes are becoming dispirited and sullen." The nation is spoken of as "passing through terrible struggles." The New York Times, the organ of Mr. Seward and advocate for the re- election of Mr. Lincoln, storms at Congress, and asks if the state of the country is caused by their "imbecility or treachery." The New York Journal of Commerce, one of the most conservative of Yankee journals, says: Ruin is before us as a people, a nation, a Union, if we go on under present guidance, with the principles which now prevail in the hails of Congress and the President's house. All the promises and prophecies of the men who lead the radical