Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Seward or search for Seward in all documents.

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Seward Baffled. --We published yesterday the correspondence between Seward and his man Dayton, or rather the instructions of the former, reciting the contents of a letter received from the latter. The French Government refuses, absolutely, to make itself an accomplice of Seward in the wretched knavery he attempted to practiSeward in the wretched knavery he attempted to practice, If he had not been entirely destitute of all delicacy, instinct would have taught him that such would be the issue. The French Emperor, if some people object to his system of government, is yet a gentleman, and no man could be a gentleman and not despise the meanness of Seward from the very bottom of his heart. The United StSeward from the very bottom of his heart. The United States, only four years ago, positively refused to accede to the treaty of Paris, expressly on the ground that its mercantile marine was large while its navy was small, and that in the event of a war with any of the high contracting parties, the United States could depend upon nothing so much as its privateers. It never would have
ses of the Post-Office Department. A message was received from the Senate announcing the decease of Senator Baker, and no further business was done. The question of Neutrality. The following is an extract from Mr. Adams's letter to Mr. Seward: I next approached the most delicate portion of my task. I descanted upon the irritation produced in America by the Queen's Proclamation, upon the construction almost universally given to it, as designed to "aid the insurgents by raisinghear what they had to say. But this did not imply negotiation in their case any more than if did ours. He added that he had seen the gentleman once some time ago, and once since; he had no expectation of seeing them any more. [extract from Seward's reply to Mr. Adams, as regards the obnoxious declaration.] I feel myself at liberty, perhaps bound to assume, that Lord Russell's proposed declaration, which I have herein recited, will have been already regarded as well by him as by yourse
The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], A "Battle-Flag" for the Powhatan Troop. (search)
ion of Mr. Creuzbaur, which is secret as yet, and for the bringing of which to the notice of the Confederate Government $500 has been appropriated, has been fully examined by a commission of three scientific gentlemen appointed by the Governor, who reported in its favor, and express the opinion that a single vessel properly constructed will be sufficient to clear any port of a blockading fleet. Mrs. Greenough. The Nashville (Tenn.) Banner says of this lady, whose scathing letter to Seward we published a few days since: The story of this lady's confinement and suffering might be made the thread of a romantic novel. The lady herself, whom we know, would make an interesting heroine to a story, play or poem. She is pretty, dashing, and talented. Die Vernon and Mrs. Greenough might be coupled as women of a kindred class She is an aunt of Mrs. Douglas, quite as showy and much more brilliant in point of intellectual-endowment. From Kentucky — a fight Imminent. A s