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The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1862., [Electronic resource], The surrender of Mason and Slidell the manner of its publication. (search)
nner of its publication. --The following unpublished account of the manner in which the publication of the official correspondence between Lord Lyons and Secretary Seward, relative to the surrender of Messrs. Mason and Slidell was conducted, we extract from a long letter published in the Cincinnati Commercial, under date of Wa Intelligencer, which, for perhaps the first time in its history, had the news (and a pretty big item of news, too.) "in advance of all our contemporaries" Mr. Seward managed the matter so adroitly as to cut off all communication of the surrender to the people of the country, until the official statement of the case should be before them. Consequently, although the result was reached, and the elaborate letter of Mr. Seward prepared and sent to Lord Lyons on Thursday, the New York papers of Saturday morning knew nothing about it. All that they contained was a vague announcement that "a public solution of the Mason and Slidell affair had been reached"
The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1862., [Electronic resource], The surrender of Mason and Slidell the manner of its publication. (search)
"a Christian and Humane People." --In his late verbose dispatch to Lord Lyons, Mr. Seward speaks of the United States as a "Christian and humane people." After this declaration, it is useless for this miracle of mendacity to essay any further f into the South, and Dr. Breckinridge's savage war-whoop for the blood of women and children were fine illustrations of Mr. Seward's "Christian people." The "humanity" is about on a par with the "Christianity" of the North. We wonder that even Seward himself did not blush to attribute to his countrymen such a characteristic. The history of modern civilization does not present a picture of such deliberate barbarity and brutality as this Northern war upon the South. The scenes in the Northn their present crusade, such scenes of horror would be witnessed as might well make even Goths and Vandals shudder. We ask again, has not Seward capped the climax even of his audacious mendacity when he calls such a people "Christian and humane?"
date was uncommonly fine, and the roads as good as in summer, but "the war" has been in no hurry. In his next conversation, the Hon. Schuyler would do well to ask Gen. McClellan to define what he means by "short." The war was to be "short and sharp" when Gen. Scott took command, and under McClellan it is to be "short and desperate." If the Honorable Colfax permits himself to be put off with this vague stereotype, he is easily satisfied. Let him ask McClellan to be precise and definite, as Seward is, who always gives the number of days in which the war is to end--"ten," "sixty," or "ninety"--and who is thought none the less of by his admiring countrymen because he never hits the mark. McClellan is no prophet. He predicted before the battle of Leesburg that the North had "had its last defeat and seen its last retreat," a prediction which was fulfilled by a fight in which sixteen hundred, Southern soldiers killed and took prisoners a larger number than they themselves had in the fiel
War upon women. --The barbarous treatment of Mrs. Greenhow by the Lincoln Government, treatment that has nearly driven her insane, is but one illustration of the brutal ferocity with which the Lincoln despotism carries on this infernal war. No wonder that all the civilized nations of the earth cry out "Shams! Shame!" And these atrocities are perpetrated by a nation which complacently exalts itself as the pink of piety, and which Mr. Seward describes with his usual reverence for truth as "a Christian and humane people."
Arrest of a lady for treason. --We copy the following from a late Yankee paper. Mrs. Mayer, the wife of Mr. Mayor, one of the lawyers in the privateer Sumter case, representing the German prisoners, arrived in New York on Saturday, in charge of the United States Marshal of Franklin county, Vermont. She was arrested at Rousels Point while on her way to Canada from New York, She is charged with having in her possession treasonable correspondence. She is said to have a large property in Charleston. On arriving at New York she was taken to the Prescott House, and Marshal Murray telegraphed to Secretary Seward for instructions.