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John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 4 4 Browse Search
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and trust they may go home, hang up their guns, and go to work like sensible people, for then I could do the same. September, 23 This afternoon I rode by a mountain path to a log cabin in which a half dozen wounded Tennesseeans are lying. One poor fellow had his leg amputated yesterday, and was very feeble. One had been struck by a ball on the head and a buckshot in the lungs. Two boys were but slightly wounded, and were in good spirits. To one of these — a jovial, pleasant boy--Dr. Seyes said, good humoredly: You need have no fears of dying from a gunshot; you are too big a devil, and were born to be hung. Colonel Marrow sought to question this same fellow in regard to the strength of the enemy, when the boy said: Are you a commissioned officer? Yes, replied Marrow. Then, returned he, you ought to know that a private soldier don't know anything. In returning to camp, we followed a path which led to a place where a regiment of the rebels had encamped one night. They
ned from her brother, a soldier of the Eighteenth Ohio, that she was married. Strong, healthy, goodlooking fellow that he was, this intelligence prostrated him completely, and made him crazy as a loon. He imagined that he was in hell, thought Dr. Seyes the devil, and so violent did he become that they had to bind him. This morning he is more calm, but still deranged. He thought the straws in his bunk were thorns, and would pluck at them with his fingers and exclaim: My God, ain't they sh him? Yes, he replied, he is one of the devils. The Captain said: Sergeant, do n't you know where you are? Of course I do; I'm in hell. When they were binding him he said: That's right; heap on the coals; put me in the hottest place. While Dr. Seyes was preparing something to quiet himlaudanum, perhaps-he said: Bring on your poison; I'll take it. The boys, while living roughly, exposed to hardships and dangers, think more of their sweethearts than ever before, and are constantly recurr
t a certain hour and be turned over to their masters; but the misguided souls, if indeed there were any, failed to put in an appearance, and could not be found. The scamps, I fear, took advantage of my notice and hid away, much to the regret of all who desire to preserve the Union as it was, and greatly to the chagrin of the gentlemen who expected to take them handcuffed back to Kentucky. One of these fugitives, a handsome mulatto boy, borrowed five dollars of me, and the same amount of Doctor Seyes, not half an hour before the time when he was to be delivered up, but I fear now the money will never be repaid. March, 18 Started for Murfreesboro. The day is beautiful and the regiment marches well. Encamped for the night near Lavergne. I called on my friend Mrs. Harris. She received me cordially and introduced me to her daughter, a handsome young lady of seventeen or eighteen. They were both extremely Southern in their views, but chatted pleasantly over the situation, and Mr