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Your search returned 208 results in 89 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1862., [Electronic resource], Yankee Humanity. (search)
Wanted — Overseer.
I want to engage immediately the services of aman, over 48, compotent to manage alarge estate in King William county, three miles north of my Post-Office, Hanover G. H. Geprge Taylor.
I wish to purchase immediately, an sound, and reliable Horse for a Troops, to meet whose wants I will pay from $300 to $400. It will be useless to offer any horse whose value is less than the sum first named.
I should like to purchase two Sharp's Rifles, to be sent to be sent to Stafford C. H., or Fredericksburg.
Having yet on hand near 400 pairs of Socks, and the present time being unfavorable for distribution, I can receive no more after the 25th inst. George Talylor. mh 24--c&d4t
The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1862., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia — a proclamation. (search)
The loss of the steamer Loler
--Further Particulars.--The loss of the Spanish steamer Loler, bound from Havana for Mobile, and the drowning of forty-two persons, has been noticed.
Among the lost was Col. Sharp, of Gen. Buckner's staff, who was on special duty.
Her cargo consisted of 2,000 stands of arms, 127 barrels of potash, and wines, brandies, cigars, and $50,000 worth of powder.
The following is the statement of one of the men who survived:
The gale commenced on Tuesday, the 26th of May, wind blowing heavy from the S. E., distant about 45 miles from Mobile Point.
The gale increasing, the ship began to leak, and found it necessary to lighten ship.
About 2 P. M. commenced to throw over cargo to lighten ship, and threw nearly all the cargo overboard.
About 8 P. M. steam pipe bursted, and the ship fell off in the trough of the sea and began to break up. The ship broke in two just abaft the paddle-wheels.
The boats were swamped in lowering them, and all in the bo
--Left my house, on Union Hill, or was taken therefrom, on the 11th inst, a small black terrier slut.
She has very large tents, and her tall is cut off about 1 ½ inches from the and has a few gray hairs around her month.
I will give a liberal reward for her return to me, or to Mr. Sharp, at the Libby prison.
She is very highly prised, being a pet dog. She has a small brass collar on. She goes by the name of Fannie. Richard Turner. ap 13--5t
--Left my house, on Union Hill, or was taken therefrom, on the 11th inst, a small black terrier slut.
She has very large teats, and her tail is cut off about 1½ inches from the end; has a few gray hairs around her mouth.
I will give a liberal reward for her return to me, or to Mr. Sharp, at the Libby prison.
She is very highly prized, being a pet dog. She has a small brass collar on. She goes by the name of Fannie. Richard Turner. ap 13--5t
--Left my house, on Union Hill, or was taken therefrom, on the 11th inst, a small black terrier slut.
She has very large teats, and her tail is cut off about 1½ inches from the end; has a few gray hairs around her mouth.
I will give a liberal reward for her return to me, or to Mr Sharp, at the Libby prison.
She is very highly priced, being a pet dog. She has a small brass collar on. She goes by the name of Fanide. Richard Turner. ap 13--5t
The Daily Dispatch: April 20, 1864., [Electronic resource], Shabby Trick. (search)
--Left my house, on Union was taken therefrom.
on the 11th inst, a small black . She has very large and her tall is cut off about 1 ½ inches from the end; has a few gray Sales around her mouth.
I will give a liberal reward for her return to me, or to Mr. Sharp, at the Libby prison.
She is very highly prized, being a pet dog. She has a small brass collar on. She goes by the name of Fannie. Richard Turner. ap 18--3t