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The Daily Dispatch: September 10, 1861., [Electronic resource], The bombardment and capture of forts Clark and Hatteras. (search)
t possess ourselves of Fort Clark by the bayonet that night; but wiser and older heads than mine thought otherwise. Certain it is, in my opinion, it was one of the causes, second only to the shameful neglect of the authorities in not properly fortifying the coast, that caused our defeat. From these two causes we have the following result: the possession of Hatteras, the key of the Sound — the almost entire control of the Sound — the road open to invasion at any moment--Captain Barron, Lieutenant Sharp, and about seven hundred or eight hundred gallant men prisoners, taken by the Abolition Kangaroos, besides prolonging, in my opinion, the war for half a year. A Retrospect. The bombardment of Fort Hatteras by the flower of the Federal navy was a scene which will ever no present to the minds of those who witnessed it. On that day many a fireside was made desolate; many a mother and wife made to weep over the sad fate of those who were nearest and dearest to them, and whose blood