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Ten dollars reward --Ranaway from the subscriber, on Saturday last, a Negro Man named Bob Shelton, a Blacksmith by trade. He was hired of Mr. Geo W. Cox, of Goochland Court-House — Said negro is about 5 feet 10 inches high, of a dark complexion; when spoken to is very polite, and smiles a great deal. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me, at my Foundry, in Richmond P. Harm. [au 7--3t*]
Ten Dollars reward --Ranaway from the subscriber on Saturday last, a Negro Man named Bob Shelton, a Blacksmith by trade. He was hired of Mr. Geo. W. Cox, of Goochland Court-House. -- negro is about 5 feet 10 inches high, of a dark complexion and when spoken to is very polite, and smiles a great deal. The above reward will be paid for the delivery to me, at my Foundry in Richmond P. Eahm. [au 7--2t*]
Ten Dollars reward. --Ran away from the subscriber, on Saturday last, a Negro Man named Bob Shelton, a Blacksmith by trade. He was hired of Mr. Geo W. Cox, of Goochland court-House. --Said negro is about 5 feet 10 inches high, of a dark complexion, when spoken to is very polite, and smiles a great deal. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me, at my Foundry, in Richmond [au 7--3t*] P. Rahm