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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XLIX. April, 1865 (search)
mnesty, etc. Judge Campbell said to Mr. Hart (clerk in the Confederate States War Department) yesterday that there would be no arrests, and no oath would be required. Yet ex-Captain Warner was arrested yesterday, charged with ill treating Federal prisoners, with registering a false name, and as a dangerous character. I know the contrary of all this; for he has been persecuted by the Confederate States authorities for a year, and forced to resign his commission. My application to Gen. Shepley for permission to remove my family to the Eastern Shore, where they have relatives and friends, and may find subsistence, still hangs fire. Every day I am told to call the next day, as it has not been acted upon. April 12 Warm and cloudy. Gen. Weitzel publishes an order to-day, requiring all ministers who have prayed for the President of the Confederate States to pray hereafter for the President of the United States. He will not allow them to omit the prayer. In answer to my
ls clamored loudly that he had been altogether too slow. We have seen how his decision was unalterably taken and his course distinctly marked out, but that he was not yet ready publicly to announce it. Therefore, during this period of waiting for victory, he underwent the difficult task of restraining the impatience of both sides, which he did in very positive language. Thus, under date of July 26, 1862, he wrote to a friend in Louisiana: Yours of the sixteenth, by the hand of Governor Shepley, is received. It seems the Union feeling in Louisiana is being crushed out by the course of General Phelps. Please pardon me for believing that is a false pretense. The people of Louisiana-all intelligent people everywhere-know full well that I never had a wish to touch the foundations of their society, or any right of theirs. With perfect knowledge of this, they forced a necessity upon me to send armies among them, and it is their own fault, not mine, that they are annoyed by the p
reconstruction congressional election in Louisiana letter to military governors letter to Shepley amnesty proclamation, December 8, 1863 instructions to Banks Banks's action in Louisiana d this to be a real and not a sham proceeding, as he explained a month later in a letter to Governor Shepley: We do not particularly need members of Congress from there to enable us to get alon Congress here, I would vote against admitting any such man to a seat. Thus instructed, Governor Shepley caused an election to be held in the first and second congressional districts of Louisiana il and military. I do, however, he wrote, urge both you and them to lose no more time. Governor Shepley has special instructions from the War Department. I wish himthese gentlemen and others cooif not quite, all been addressed to you. My error has been that it did not occur to me that Governor Shepley or any one else would set up a claim to act independently of you. . . I now distinctly tell
ected. The Honorable Mr. Bradbury and his gentle, kind wife did much to render our visit pleasant. The families of Mr. Muzzy, Colonel Little, and Mr. and Mrs. Shepley-he was afterward General Shepley during the war — were very kind, and Mr. Davis remembered them always affectionately. Clam-bakes were arranged for his amusemGeneral Shepley during the war — were very kind, and Mr. Davis remembered them always affectionately. Clam-bakes were arranged for his amusement, and evenings at home for me, at different charming houses in the town; but, most pleasant of all, were the basket parties at Cape Elizabeth, where we sat down to exquisite refreshments, cooked under the directions of the ladies of the city, where each dish was the chef-d'oeuvre of some good housekeeper. At one of these partiery awkward. As I looked into the blushing face, I answered, It is of no consequence; you have had no practice. He retired in confusion, and in a few minutes Colonel Shepley brought in my friend, the awkward servant, metamorphosed into a handsome young gentleman, who was profuse in his apologies, but said he had heard Mr. Davis wo
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 54: capture of Richmond.--the destruction of the Confederate fleet in the James River, etc. (search)
rt to guard him and enable him to force his way through the crowd. A troop of cavalry soon arrived, the streets were cleared, and the President soon reached the mansion just vacated by Mr. Davis, and now the headquarters of Generals Weitzel and Shepley. It was a modest house, comfortably but plainly furnished. A great crowd of civilians now assembled around this house, greeting the President with loud cheers. General Shepley made a speech, after which the President and party entered a carGeneral Shepley made a speech, after which the President and party entered a carriage and visited the State-House, the late seat of the Confederate Congress. The building was in dreadful disorder, showing the sudden flight of the legislators. After this inspection, Admiral Porter urged the President to go on board the Malvern, as he began to feel the responsibility resting on him for the care of his person. The Admiral was oppressed with uneasiness until he once more stood with Mr. Lincoln on the deck of the flag-ship, and he determined the President should go nowhere
t than in the State of South Carolina. After a long and spirited debate, mainly by Southern senators, Mr. Calhoun's motion to reject was defeated by a vote to receive the petition — Yeas 35, Nays 10, as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Benton, Brown, Buchanan, Clay, Clayton, Crittenden, Davis, Ewing of Illinois, Ewing of Ohio, Goldsborough, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Hubbard, Kent, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Knight, Linn, McKean, Morris, Naudain, Niles, Prentiss, Robbins, Robinson, Ruggles, Shepley, Southard, Swift, Tallmadge, Tipton, Tomlinson, Wall, Webster, Wright. Nays: Messrs. Black, Calhoun, Cuthbert, Leigh, Moore, Nicholas, Porter, Preston, Walker, White. In the House, February 5, 1836. Mr. Henry L. Pinckney, of South Carolina, submitted the following resolve: Resolved, That all the memorials which have been offered, or may hereafter be presented to this House, praying for the abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia, and also the resolutions offered by an h
t a year previously, and in prospect of the Presidential nomination for 1860, as follows: Clarendon Hotel, Jan. 6, 1860. my dear friend: I wrote you an unsatisfactory note a day or two since. I have just had a pleasant interview with Mr. Shepley, whose courage and fidelity are equal to his learning and talents. He says he would rather fight the battle with you as the standard-bearer, in 1860, than under the auspices of any other leader. The feeling and judgment of Mr. S. in this relcians. A man really fitted for this emergency by his ability, courage, broad statesmanship and patriotism. Col. Seymour (Tho's. 11.) arrived here this morning, and expressed his views in this relation in almost the identical language used by Mr. Shepley. It is true that, in the present state of things at Washington, and throughout tile country, no man can I predict what changes two or three months may bring forth. Let me suggest that, in the morning debates of Congress, full justice seems t
the signal was given, the platform, loaded with iron to accelerate its fall, swung heavily down with a sullen crash, and in a few minutes the soul of Wm. B. Mumford passed into the presence of his Maker. During all this time a vast crowd swayed to and fro in front of the Mint, and thronged the levee, every eye fixed upon the awful scene, while along the long line mounted men galloped, preserving order. Upon the consummation of the sentence the assemblage quietly dispersed to their homes. After hanging twenty-five minutes, Dr. W. T. Black, Acting-Surgeon to Gen. Shepley's staff, and Dr. Geo. A. Black, Agent of United States Sanitary Commission, approached the body and ascertained the heart had ceased to beat. It was allowed, however, to remain suspended about twenty minutes longer, when it was cut down and placed in a coffin prepared for the purpose. At five o'clock P. M. it was conveyed to the Firemen's Cemetery, and there interred. Requiescat in pace. --N. O. Delta, June 8.
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 50: last months of the Civil War.—Chase and Taney, chief-justices.—the first colored attorney in the supreme court —reciprocity with Canada.—the New Jersey monopoly.— retaliation in war.—reconstruction.—debate on Louisiana.—Lincoln and Sumner.—visit to Richmond.—the president's death by assassination.—Sumner's eulogy upon him. —President Johnson; his method of reconstruction.—Sumner's protests against race distinctions.—death of friends. —French visitors and correspondents.—1864-1865. (search)
authority for the initiation of State governments, or of representation in Congress. In the autumn, however, he began action in that direction by instructions to Shepley, colonel and military governor, which eventuated in the election, December 3, of Hahn and Flanders as members of Congress from Louisiana, when New Orleans and itsife of Lincoln, vol. VI. pp. 349-353. The time and manner of the election were fixed by military orders, and the commissions of the two candidates were signed by Shepley. Hahn and Flanders were admitted to scats in the House, but not without contention and misgiving. Blaine's Twenty Years of Congress, vol. II. p. 36. The Senat time pressed it with great earnestness in his correspondence with the military officers of that department—with Banks, who had succeeded Butler in command, and Shepley, still military governor. He gave them clearly to understand that there must be no delay arising from conflict of jurisdiction or misconception of their instruct
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Efforts for Reconstruction in April, 1865. (search)
nd to submit to the authority of the U. S., upon a full conviction that the Confederate government could not sustain itself. On the 4th April, I reported to Gen. Shepley, the Governor of Richmond, and told him that I came to submit, and he gave me a printed order from protection from arrest. In the course of this interview he ility of the movement and declined to be on the committee to manage the matter. I wrote a letter to Gen. J. R. Anderson, explaining what I had done read it to Gen. Shepley in presence of Mr. Dana, Assistant Sec'y of War, and left this original to be copied in that office. No objection was made to this letter. The letter convening the legislature was examined by Gen. Shepley and corrected by him. His corrections were assented to and the letter went forth in the form he agreed to. After Gen. Weitzel had showed to me the letter of Mr. Lincoln, we had some conversation, in the course of which he said, That he now understood what I meant, by saying that