Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for P. H. Sheridan or search for P. H. Sheridan in all documents.

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Latest news from the enemy. --The Baltimore American of the 13th, has an official bulletin from Sheridan, of his operations in the late pillaging excursion. The heading is sensational in a high degree. The following is the bulletin in question: Official Bulletin — Glorious nows from Sheridan — Success of his expedition — The capture of Charlottesville, Amherst and Columbia — James River to Richmond damaged — Numerous bridges destroyed — Capture of Canal Boats — Stores and Ammuned. War Department, Washington, March 13--10 A. M. Major General Dix, New York: The following report of General Sheridan's recent operations has been received by this Department. (Signed) E. M. Stanton, Sec'y of War. City Pointrits and health. Commodore Hollins, of the Rebel navy, was shot near Gordonsville while attempting to make his escape from our advance in that direction. Very respectfully, your ob'dt serv't, (Signed) P. H. Sheridan, Major Gene