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Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant, II. (search)
very much the strangest of them all. We have been too near the man and his time to see them clear through personal, political, and military feelings, mostly violent. All the people are not dead yet. Nearly all the writers have a case to argue. Sheridan must justify his treatment of Warren. Sherman must bolster up Shiloh. Beauregard must diminish Sidney Johnston. Badeau must belittle Meade, and also the losses in the Wilderness. These are mere instances. The heroes and their biographers al. These extremes meet in error. We have not produced a Napoleon, and military talents of greater brilliancy than Grant's fought on both sides. Purely as captains, Lee, Jackson, Sherman, Thomas, if not others, are likely to stand higher; while Sheridan during his brief opportunity proved such a thunderbolt that, did history know men by their promise instead of by their fruits, he might outshine the whole company, and rank with Charles of Sweden or Conde. Yet Grant sits above and apart. Is
Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant, V. (search)
ory. Four of our greatest — Thomas, Sherman, Sheridan, Grant — stand together in it, the only time t the Union forever. Presently Sherman's and Sheridan's successes clinched Lincoln's election. Nex from his siege of Petersburg. He merely let Sheridan loose upon Early, and broke him. That also se the looming end. The great blows of Sherman, Sheridan, and Thomas sent their shocks to the heart ofher made no change in the quiet general. And Sheridan rode in through the rain from his cavalry to during every hour,--the fierce white light of Sheridan's genius beats upon the whole; and his deeds h went on. The good deeds and the exploits of Sheridan's cavalry spurred the infantry to a race. Thf, and compelled to fight again. Newhall, of Sheridan's staff, writes: All along the road were evid for his horse, and rode through the night to Sheridan and Meade. And on the next day at Sailor's Cin, and, mounting once more, proceeded toward Sheridan's front. It was near noon now; and, as he we[6 more...]<
Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant, Bibliography. (search)
documents,--Sumner's speeches, for example,--essential though they be to the student. I. Grant and his campaigns. By Henry Coppee. (New York, 1866: Charles B. Richardson.) By far the best of the early military biographies. II. With General Sheridan in Lee's last campaign. By a staff officer [F. C. Newhall]. (Philadelphia, 1866: J. B. Lippincott Company.) The most vivid story of the cavalry battles yet told. III.* personal history of Ulysses S. Grant. By Albert D. Richardson. (Harhis country. VI. * personal Memoirs of U. S Grant. Two volumes. (New York, 1885-86: Charles L. Webster & Co.; Century Company, 1895.) This great book has been already spoken of in the text. With it should be read the Memoirs of Sherman and Sheridan. They make a trilogy that will outlast any criticism. VII. Grant in peace. By Adam Badeau. (Hartford, Conn., 1887: S. S. Scranton & Co.) Contains much that is trivial, but much that is valuable. VIII. Historical essays. By Henry Adams