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California with a gentleman crew, at the time of the gold fever. It appears that his crew was composed mostly of students from some college in the interior of New York — all intelligent young men, and of wealthy families, and treated very kindly by the captain and his officers. While off Cape Horn, on her passage out, the ship encountered a very heavy gale, accompanied by hail and snow; and after lying to for many hours under nothing but close-reefed main top-sail, it became necessary to take in even that sail.--All the "boys" were safely stowed below in the forecastle, when the mate went forward and sung out, "Come on deck, all of you, and furl this main-topsail." Surprised, after the lapse of a few minutes, in not seeing the crew come up, the mate again went forward and said, "If you don't come on deck soon the top-sail will blow away." "All right, Mr. Sherman," was the reply, "please tell the Captain that we have concluded to let the topsail blow away, and we'll pay for it."
in tone. Ruffin says that South Carolina will undoubtedly go out unless all her demands are complied with. The fear of secession is not nearly so strong to day. Senators Green and Breckinridge are at the National. Their rooms are in it of visitors tonight. Mr. Breckinridge takes hopefully, and counsels moderation, forbearance and compromise. Many gentlemen believe that early in the session, before the assembling of the South Carolina Convention, prominent Republicans, like Corwin, Sherman, Trumbull, Covode, and perhaps , will set forth the position of the Republican party and their policy satisfactorily, so that all troubles and danger to the Union will be at an end. A conservative compromise measure is being prepared here, which will cover the entire sectional issue in dispute. It agreed upon, it will leave no State a shadow of an excuse for seceding. It re-establishes the Missouri line, and extends it to the Pacific. Another correspondent, looking at the other
of the United States to be the supreme law of the land: Resolved, That we deprecate the spirit of disobedience to the Constitution wherever manifested, and that we earnestly recommend the repeal of all statutes, by State Legislatures, conflicting with and in violation of that sacred instrument, and the laws of Congress passed in pursuance thereof. Mr. Cochrane proposed an amendment, which was accepted, namely, a recommendation to repeal the so-called personal liberty bills. Mr. Sherman moved to further amend so as to include all unifying laws, so as to receive an unanimous vote; objected to. The main question was then put, resulting — ayes 108, nays 35. Mr. Lovejoy offered a resolution similar to that of Adrain, but adding that it is the duty of the President to protect and defend the property of the United States. Mr. Crawford, of Ga., wanted a proposition stating exactly what rights the South should have. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., thought the resolu
ops from the North were expected to arrive in the city, but no one seemed to know by what conveyance. A crowd of spectators followed the police in the morning to Smith's wharf, where a steam-tug was waiting for them, but on reaching there, about eleven o'clock, they ascertained that the expected steamer had not arrived. At two o'clock P. M. the police were again mustered, and proceeded in a tug-boat to Locust Point, where the steamer Maryland, the Ice Boat, and four Crom well propellers soon after landed about two thousand five hundred troops, including Sherman's famous battery, who proceeded in cars which were in waiting, direct to Washington. There was not the sligh test attempt to insult or attack the troops, and at one or two points through South Baltimore, they were cheered as the cars passed along. The arrangements of the police for the prevention of disorder, were quietly and effectively made, though beyond the keeping off the crowd they had no serious duties to perform.
Latest News by Express. From Northern papers received last evening we make up the following summary: Washington, May 10, 1861. Fifteen hundred more troops, comprising a Pennsylvania regiment, five companies of regular infantry, just arrived from Texas, and Sherman's Battery, came in from Baltimore this morning. Six companies of Flying Artillery, with thirty-six field pieces, are now concentrated here. The strength of the army of protection within the city limits is nearly 25,000. Senator Wade, of Ohio, is here, full of the war spirit. He is urging the Administration to pursue the most active policy possible. He says there is more sound argument in one eleventh-inch columbiad than in all the Senate speeches or political pamphlets ever issued. Senator Chandler, of Michigan, who was present when the remark was made, endorsed the idea fully. The President, by general order, directs that all officers of the Army, except those who have entered service sinc