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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865 62 0 Browse Search
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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, Prologue (search)
al lapse into local barbarisms, such as like for as, don't for doesn't, or the still more unpardonable offense of applying the terms male and female to objects of their respective genders, has been resisted for fear of altering the spirit of the narrative by too much tampering with the letter. For the same reason certain palpable errors and misstatements, unless of sufficient importance to warrant a note, have been left unchanged — for instance, the absurd classing of B. F. Butler with General Sherman as a degenerate West Pointer, or the confusion between fuit Ilium and ubi Troja fuit that resulted in the misquotation on page 190. For my small Latin, I have no excuse to offer except that I had never been a school teacher then, and could enjoy the bliss of ignorance without a blush. As to the implied reflection on West Point, I am not sure whether I knew any better at the time, or not. Probably I did, as I lived in a well-informed circle, but my excited brain was so occupied at the
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, I. Across Sherman's track (December 19-24, 1864) (search)
I. Across Sherman's track (December 19-24, 1864) Explanatory note.-At the time of this narrat old home. But in the fall of 1864, while Sherman's army was lying around Atlanta like a pent —ht, when once across the line, than at home. Sherman had industriously spread the impression that ver gits to Gordon, they'll be good walkers. Sherman's done licked that country clean; d-n me ef yere doubtless many brave and honorable men in Sherman's army who would not stoop to plunder, and whrred to the official correspondence between Gen. Sherman and Gen. Wade Hampton in regard to the treaw, while here and there, lone chimney-stacks, Sherman's Sentinels, told of homes laid in ashes. Ths, but we told them we didn't care to imitate Sherman's manners. A mile or two further on we were event more exciting than a church fair, till Sherman's army marched through and gave them such a ssuch a pitiful account of the plight in which Sherman had left him that we felt as mean as a lot of[4 more...]<
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 3 (search)
present chapter opens with allusions to an expedition sent out by Sherman from Savannah under Gen. Kilpatrick, having for its object the des they had been able. In the fall of 1864, when it was feared that Sherman would send a raid to free the prisoners and turn them loose upon tsed to feel very brave about Yankees, but since I have passed over Sherman's track and seen what devastation they make, I am so afraid of then didn't force them on us. And yet they lay all the blame on us. Gen. Sherman told Mr. Cuyler that he did not intend to leave so much as a blaof grass in South-West Georgia, and Dr. Janes told sister that he (Sherman) said he would be obliged to send a formidable raid here in order readed it on account of the horrors that would be committed. What Sherman dreads must indeed be fearful. They say his soldiers have sworn t gotten to be the great thoroughfare of the Confederacy now, since Sherman has cut the South Carolina R. R. and the only line of communicati
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 4 (search)
ere, and everybody that can get out of the way is preparing for flight. Their experience with Sherman's army last winter naturally doesn't make these people long for another visit. Fred had engageances, so we had to shift for ourselves. We tried to ring a bell that hung in the passage, but Sherman's angels had cut the cord. A young captain who was watching our maneuvers, advised us to cry Fdining-room. There was literally nothing on the table but some broken crockery, the remains of Sherman's little teaparty, but one of the black waiters promised to get us a nice dinner if we would jeing to eat along the road. The country seems to have pretty well recovered from the effects of Sherman's march, so far as appearances go; the fields are tilled and crops growing, but people are stild comes. He brought confirmation of Lee's surrender, and of the armistice between Johnston and Sherman. Alas, we all know only too well what that armistice means! It is all over with us now, and t
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
ille. April 23, Sunday Gen. Elzey and staff arrived early in the afternoon and called here at once. The general has a fine, soldierly appearance and charming manners, like all West Pointers-except, of course, those brutes like Butler and Sherman and their murderous clan. Capt. Irwin, Mrs. Elzey's brother, is going to stay at our house, and the whole family has fallen in love with him at first sight. He is the dearest, jolliest fellow that ever lived, and keeps up his spirits under cird time to destroy his papers and give him the slip, while in reality, they say, the Yanks were making no effort to detain him, and he might have gone openly with his papers unmolested. The general belief is that Grant and the military men, even Sherman, are not anxious for the ugly job of hanging such a man as our president, and are quite willing to let him give them the slip, and get out of the country if he can. The military men, who do the hard and cruel things in war, seem to be more merci
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
wind would tear it to flinders and roll it in the dirt till it was black all over, as the colors of such a crew ought to be. Then father took me by the shoulder and said that if I didn't change my way of talking about the flag of my country he would send me to my room and keep me there a week. We had never known anything but peace and security and protection under that flag, he said, as long as we remained true to it. I wanted to ask him what sort of peace and protection the people along Sherman's line of march had found under it, but I didn't dare. Father don't often say much, but when he does flare up like that, we all know we have got to hold our tongues or get out of the way. It made me think of that night when Georgia seceded. What would father have done if he had known that that secession flag was made in his house? It pinches my conscience, sometimes, when I think about it. What a dreadful thing it is for a household to be so divided in politics as we are! Father sticks
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 7 (search)
art and soul were always with the South, I could still see a certain tragic grandeur in the spectacle of the Great Republic struggling desperately for its very existence. On looking back over the pages of this diary, I cannot accuse myself of unreasonable prejudice against the other side. Its pages are full of criticisms of our own people all through the war. I could see their faults, and I would have done justice to Yankee virtues, if they had had any, but since that infamous march of Sherman's, and their insolence in bringing negro soldiers among us, my feelings are so changed that the most rabid secession talkers, who used to disgust me, are the only ones that satisfy me now. And I am not the only moderate person they have driven to the other extreme. Not two hours ago I heard Garnett say that if they had shown one spark of magnanimity towards us since we gave up the fight, he would be ready to enter their service the first time they got into a foreign war. But now, he says,