Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for John Sherman or search for John Sherman in all documents.

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ion of the state that could not be reached by Sherman's column. Stoneman was to take three thousanf which this indeed was only a continuation. Sherman calculated that he could safely rely on the cutterly unable to meet the veteran columns of Sherman in the open field. Wheeler's cavalry, now grster free; dispatching an expedition to favor Sherman from East Tennessee; inspiring one advance frw by the withdrawal of many of them to oppose Sherman. . . . . Canby's movement will attract all th Sheridan is now on his way to Lynchburg, and Sherman to join Schofield. After the junction of theOn the 16th of March, Grant heard direct from Sherman, and telegraphed at once to the Secretary ofar: I am just in receipt of a letter from General Sherman from Fayetteville. He describes his army columns approached from several directions. Sherman himself was the first to cross the pontoon br he would have sought, that man was certainly Sherman; and, as he had written and said, if Sherman [158 more...]
fter the long campaign through the Carolinas, Sherman could not be ready to move again until the 10llow him to move into North Carolina and join Sherman. By this strategy the commands of Lee and Jothey attempted to unite in order to fall upon Sherman, Grant would follow Lee as rapidly as possibl, if events rendered this course unadvisable, Sherman could be brought to Grant whenever necessary;convinced that the crossing of the Roanoke by Sherman would be the signal for Lee to leave; and if e. His anxiety was well founded; for, during Sherman's delay, the rebel commanders were conferrina junction. Johnston's Military Narrative. Sherman had recommended that Grant should wait for hies to proceed to North Carolina and report to Sherman. As he read, he perceived that the latter paed: Although I have provided for your joining Sherman, I have no idea that it will be necessary. Iame, and refused to answer to his will. With Sherman or Sheridan he moved like a skilful rider on