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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
fought with varying success, and, at all events, successfully retreated before Sherman from Dalton to Atlanta, covering a distance of one hundred miles and a period y affairs down to when Davis, officially alleging Johnston's failure to arrest Sherman's advance, superseded him in front of Atlanta with General John B. Hood, July e, and there was an immediate disagreement as to lines and details. Meanwhile Sherman had completed his concentration, and the campaign of 1864 began with his advance southward. Johnston impeded Sherman's march, declined to fight except on his own terms, and was gradually pushed back to Atlanta, in what is generally admitted te in his cause. Johnston, in vindication of his Atlanta campaign, says that Sherman was relatively stronger than Grant over Lee, that his own effective force was lanta and at Franklin as proof of it. His ultimate plan was to fight and crush Sherman, far from his base in the interior, on the first favorable opportunity. He pe
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Medical history of the Confederate States Army and Navy (search)
ources; and no Confederate general appears to have comprehended this truth more thoroughly than Joseph E. Johnston. In his masterly retreat from Dalton to Atlanta, he opposed successfully less than fifty thousand Confederate troops against General Sherman's powerful, thoroughly armed and equipped army of more than one hundred thousand brave, stalwart Western soldiers. In his slow retreat, General Johnston was ever ready to give battle, and whilst inflicting greater losses upon his great advea fiery ambition for military glory which led him to overestimate his own military genius and resources and at the same time to underestimate the vast resources and military strategy of his antagonist. When General Hood ceased to confront General Sherman, and opened the way for his desolating march through the rich plantations of Georgia, the Empire State of the South, the fate of the Confederacy was forever sealed. The beleagured Confederacy, torn and bleeding along all her borders, was in
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.15 (search)
nston's surrender in his recent eulogy of General Sherman at New York: Honorable John Sherman, Umanders at the close of the civil war: General Sherman believed in and sought to carry out the p again accordingly, and Johnston then assured Sherman that he had authority for all the Confederateou represented General Grant as coming to General Sherman's relief, from which those not acquaintedshows that both he and Johnston knew that General Sherman had no authority to enter into any such ahe public safety. The expectations which General Sherman had raised in the minds of the army and tMr. Stanton's view and in condemnation of General Sherman's fearful mistake. The authority will no measure at the terms granted Johnston by General Sherman. They are inadmissible. There should nothe insult with which you now assert that General Sherman's terms were rejected by President Johnsoon that you knew he would not permit General Sherman to be unjustly dealt with. You could not hav[24 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.18 (search)
ia and Cold Harbor. Shiloh was the first great battle-test between the opposing armies of the West. Grant was there with the veterans of Donaldson and Henry. Sherman, with his splendid division on the right, while to his left were McClernand, Prentiss, Wallace (W. H. L.), Hurleburt and Stuart, with the division of Lew Wallace by an assault along the entire Federal front with the corps of Hardee, Bragg and Polk. It is not our intention to attempt a description of the bloody tragedy. Sherman's lines were broken, Prentiss with his brigade was captured, Hurleburt and McClernand and Wallace were driven in utter rout. At 6 o'clock P. M. the Confederates 362. This was two to one against the Confederates, lacking 386. Verily, did the Federals fight against superior numbers at Shiloh? This battle made Grant and Sherman famous, and Buell, the Blucher of the occasion, was soon retired into obscurity. We do not propose to discuss in this article the generalship displayed on eit
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
ht General Beauregard's army was in retreat. General Sherman pressed the retiring Confederates very hard allar. The following description of this affair by General Sherman will, I think, interest my military readers: sand men under General Sooy Smith, and belonging to Sherman's army, he completely defeated in a fairly open andregular cavalry, had either side possessed any. General Sherman officially described Smith's division as composneraled him, and the result was the reverse of what Sherman had intended and anticipated. Forrest's force durits. Repeated efforts were subsequently made by General Sherman to capture or destroy Forrest's apparently ubiqthe reply was, They c-a-n-'t whip old Forrest! General Sherman's report, in cipher, of this battle was: He (Foable to ride, he followed in a buggy. He struck at Sherman's line of communication, tore up railroads, destroysupplies of all sorts. Well justified, indeed, was Sherman when he wrote to Grant in November, 1864: That devi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Unveiling of the statue of General Ambrose Powell Hill at Richmond, Virginia, May 30, 1892. (search)
, he endured the greatest fatigues and hardships without repining, and faced the heaviest odds without blanching or faltering. And is it counted strange that the Southern people cherish the memories of these men? Is it a matter of reproach that they have their heroes and their anniversaries? Is it a matter of surprise that they exalt their leaders above the leaders of the Union cause? Does any reasonable man expect less? Does he expect us to exalt General Grant above General Lee; General Sherman above Stonewall Jackson, or General Sheridan above A. P. Hill? [Great and continued applause. Blood is thicker than water. The affections of a brave people cannot be transferred from their own leaders to the leaders of the opposing side any more than water can run up hill by the force of gravity. It is contrary to the law of nature. The Southern people respect and admire the brave men who fought against them, and they feel a patriotic pride in their greatness, but they love their
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Jackson, Wounding of Col. J. H., 182. James, Capt., Geo. S., 62. Jenkins, Death of Gen. M., 70. Johnston and Davis, Cause of their variance, 95. Johnston, Gen., Albert Sidney, Death of, 129. Johnston's Surrender, Terms offered by Gen. Sherman, 205. Jones, C. S. Navy, Lt. Catesby Ap. R. 4, 11. Jones, M. D., Ll.D., Prof. Joseph, 109. Jones, D. D., Rev. J. Wm., Address of, 367. Jones, W. Ellis, 185. Kershaw, Gen. J. B., 88. Klein, Death of Capt., 172. Knight, Col. Charn of, 259. Rockwell, Joseph B., 83. Rogers, Hon. R. L., 57. Salisbury, Lord, 343. Saunders, Ll. D., Life and Services of Col. W. L., 212. Seymour, Gen., Truman, 179. Shaw, Capt. R. G., Death of, 181. Sheppard, W. L., 261, 294, 361. Sherman, Terms offered Johnston by, 205. Shiloh, Battle of, 326. Simkins, Col. J. C., Death of, 172, 182. Slaughter's Mountain, Battle of, 378. Slaughter, Peyton, 308. Slavery forced on Va., 267; Efforts for emancipation, 273. Smith, Hug