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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 157 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 142 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 112 2 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 68 2 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 49 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 47 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 40 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 27 7 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative 25 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 25 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for T. W. Sherman or search for T. W. Sherman in all documents.

Your search returned 25 results in 9 document sections:

Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. battle of Port Royal, S. C. Fought November 7, 1861. (search)
ing Expedition to the Southern Coast. General Sherman's orders. Headquarters, E. C., steamf Volunteer Engineers. By order of Brig.-Gen. T. W. Sherman. Louis H. Pelouze, Capt. Fifteenth Inf., Asst. Adjt.-Gen. General Sherman's report. Headquarters of the Naval expedition, Port, very respectfully, your obedient serv't, T. W. Sherman, Brigadier-General Commanding. Adjutant-Ge degree. I therefore submitted to Brigadier-General Sherman, commanding the military part of the by myself, and to the transports by Brigadier-General Sherman; and as the vessels rejoined, reporthe forts on Hilton Head till the arrival of Gen. Sherman, to whom I had the honor to transfer their es, created by insurrection and rebellion. T. W. Sherman, Brig.-Gon. Commanding. Headquarters, Port troops were powerless to cheer, but wept. Gen. Sherman was deeply affected, and the soldiers are l him. He stayed too long for me to wait. Gen. Sherman said that he had no idea of such magnificen[4 more...]
is polluted by the tread of hostile armies. I will not impugn the patriotism and courage of my countrymen by supposing that any appeal, however eloquent, could so rouse them to energy and prompt action as this simple statement. But to the State Guard I must add a word. Now is your opportunity to wipe out every reproach that has been put upon you. You owe it not only to your duty as men and citizens, but to that solemn obligation of soldiers which you cannot forget without dishonor, to respond at once to this call. The State Guard will rendezvous as soon as possible at Louisville and report to me. The residue of the militia and such of the Home Guard as choose to volunteer will rendezvous as soon as possible at Louisville, Frankfort, Camp Dick Robinson, General Sherman's camp, New Haven, and Henderson. Come in battalions, regiments, companies, or come as individuals, and you shall be mustered into service under pay at once. T. L. Crittenden, Brig.-Gen. Ky. State Guard.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 81. skirmish near Upton's Hill, Ky. October 12, 1861. (search)
an extensive farmer, and owner of the land on which our tents are pitched. When the troops arrived Mr. Nevin welcomed them most cordially, and informed Gen. Rousseau, who was in command, that any thing and every thing he had was at the service of the army. Gen. McCook arrived on Sunday, and took command of this division on yesterday (Monday) morning. He is quite a young man, not more than thirty years of age, as I have been informed. In personal appearance he is the very reverse of Gen. Sherman, late head of this division and now head of the department. He is short of stature, fleshy, with a decidedly genial, good-humored face. He graduated at the national military academy, West Point, in 1852. Last night, about one o'clock, we had another little skirmish. Capt. Vandyke, of the Kentucky cavalry, while out with a scouting party, fell in with a body of rebel horse. Several shots were exchanged, but none were killed or wounded. Just before day this morning a man coming in f
They are encamping in a sweet-potato field, the edibles of which they will soon, doubtless, exhibit a fondness for. General Sherman's Headquarters are at the mansion-house lately occupied by the officers of Fort Walker as theirs. Over its roof then, on board the Atlantic, which had been taken as close to the combatants as was consistent with safety, in order that Gen. Sherman might witness the proceedings, it was apparent that few of the shells, which at first were the only projectiles used, ssels were safely anchored within the bar of the Port Royal entrance. On Tuesday morning a reconnoissance was made by Gen. Sherman, resulting in the discovery of a formidable battery at Hilton Head, on the south or left of the entrance to Broad Riveing to display itself, when a grand council of war was held on the Wabash, (the fla-ship of Corn. Dupont,) at which Generals Sherman, Viele, Stevens, and Wright were present, soon after which, on Wednesday evening, it was whispered about that an eng
or in the enjoyment of private property, and in the spirit of these instructions, and, in accordance with these principles, to use every effort to restore confidence, to bring the people back to their homes, when order should be reestablished and personal safety and the rights of private property secured to all. We have not heard from the Unadilla as yet, but there will be no more excesses committed if Commodore Dupont and the forces under his control can prevent it; and I am sure that General Sherman is controlled by the same sense of duty. While the Seneca was returning a boat load of negroes came aboard the vessel, and they were distinctly informed by Captain Ammen that we had not come for the purpose of taking them away from their masters, nor of obliging them to continue in a state of slavery, and that they might go to Beaufort or to Hilton Head, as they pleased. They left, saying that they would return to Beaufort and make arrangements to remove, and they thought that all t
Pulaski is doomed, for it is ours whenever we think proper to take it, as it is within most convenient shell range-six hundred yards. No vessel will now leave or enter the port of Savannah without our permission during the remainder of the war. We now hold the harbor with the three steamers — the Flag, Commander Rodgers; the Pocahontas, Capt. Balch; and the Seneca, Capt. Ammen--but no doubt will have other vessels sent here and also a strong garrison, as soon as Flag-officer Dupont and Gen. Sherman are advised of the capture. We hear, upon what we consider reliable authority, that Commodore Tatnall says the rebels must abandon all their coast defences, for after the sample of firing at Hilton Head by our fleet, nothing they have erected can stand before it. The abandonment of their strong works on Tybee Island may be considered as confirming this report. The panic throughout the Southern coast from our success at Port Royal is intense and all-pervading. Savannah is nearly de
ning early I returned and removed to this vessel a quantity of intrenching tools which I found near the fort, together with a large sling cart and two siege carriages, which had not been much injured by the fire, which had consumed sufficiently to render use-less the other one and all the limbers. This being completed, I returned to Otter Creek Island, and found there the Vixen, which had preceded us for the purpose of bringing off an engineer--Lieutenant O'Rourke--who had been sent by General Sherman to join us at Coffin's Landing. He desired to make a drawing of the fort, and, as it was late, I anchored for the night, leaving again on the morning of the 27th with the gunboats and Vixen (there not being water for the Pawnee) to ascend the Ashepoo River, as I understood that there was a military station a short distance up. After running a few miles I discovered a redoubt, and having, as before, satisfied myself that it was not occupied, I landed and found that, like the others, it
C. December 4-6, 1861. Reports of Commodore Dupont. flagship Wabash, Port Royal harbor, S. C., December 4, 1861. sir: The apprehension of losing possession of the Bay of St. Helena, so exceedingly valuable for a harbor, for its proximity to Charleston, and for the command it secures of large rivers supplying interior communication with the State of South Carolina, has induced me to despatch a second expedition there, under Commander Drayton, with orders to hold the island until Gen. Sherman is prepared to assume military occupation of it, when he will transfer the fort to his troops. I have also despatched Commander C. R. P. Rogers to make a reconnoissance of Warsaw Inlet, in order to ascertain the position and force of the enemy's battery there — information which the Commanding-General has expressed to me is his desire to obtain before landing troops on Tybee Island. The department will have the goodness to observe that, in the necessary occupation of St. Helena Soun
he First Rifles, Pennsylvania reserve, Lieutenant-Colonel Kane, have been ordered to form, right in front, on the pike near Commodore Jones's house, and await your arrival, when the commanding officer will report to you for further orders. Captain Easton's battery has been directed to form on the left of the Rifles. The captain will report to you for orders. Two squadrons of cavalry will also be placed under your command. The senior officer will report to you this evening for orders. Sherman, the guide, will likewise report to you for duty The object of this expedition is twofold. In the first place, to drive back the enemy's pickets, which have recently advanced within four or five miles of our lines, (leaving a force of about seventy cavalry at Henderson's,) and carried off two good Union men and threatened others; and secondly, to procure a supply of forage. It has to-day been reported to me that there is a force of about one hundred cavalry lying between Dranesville and t