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forcements; but the voice of his army compelled him to confront the enemy, which he did on the 19th, on the San Jacinto River. On the 20th the cavalry, under Colonel Sherman, engaged the enemy; but the ardor of the Texan army was restrained by their commander until the afternoon of the 21st of April. On that morning the enemy were reinforced by 500 men under General Cos. At half-past 3, the Texans moved forward in line of battle. Colonel Burleson commanded the centre; Colonel Sherman, the left; Colonel Hockley, the artillery on the right; and, on his flank, Colonel M. B. Lamar, a troop of 61 cavalry. Sherman first encountered the enemy; and then the whoSherman first encountered the enemy; and then the whole line burst impetuously upon the slight intrenchments thrown up by the Mexicans, with the war-cry: Remember the Alamo! Goliad and the Alamo! The combat lasted only eighteen minutes. It was a rout, not a battle. The Texans lost two killed and 21 wounded, six of them mortally. The Mexican loss was 630 killed, 208 wounded, and 7
alt River, thirty miles from Louisville, in which city the wildest rumors were afloat and his vanguard was hourly expected. His advance was significantly interpreted as an answer to the defiance launched by the Legislature one week before. General Sherman says (vol. i., page 197): This was universally known to be the signal for action. For it we were utterly unprepared, whereas the rebels were fully prepared. General Sidney Johnston immediately crossed into Kentucky, and advanced as friend Anderson as his antagonist. Anderson was able to oppose to Buckner, at the tap of the drum, Rousseau's brigade, 1,200 strong, 1,800 home Guards from Louisville, and several companies led by Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Johnson, under General W. T. Sherman, at Muldrough's Hill, to whom he also sent, within a week, the Sixth, Thirty-eighth, and Thirty-ninth Indiana regiments, the Forty-ninth Ohio Regiment, and the Twenty-fourth Illinois Regiment (not less than 3,000 men), making over 6,000 e
n of the work was required upon Columbus and Pillow; and a proportionate amount was put on No. 10 and New Madrid; so that when the time came to occupy them, they, as well as Fort Pillow, were in a proper state of defense. General Polk's share in this campaign will appear as the events arise. Of his valuable and conspicuous services after the battle of Shiloh, it is not within the scope of this work to give a detailed account. At Perryville, at Murfreesboro, at Chickamauga, in baffling Sherman in February, 1864, and in General J. E. Johnston's retreat from North Georgia, his courage and skill made him one of the main supports of the Confederate cause in the West. Whoever was at the head, it was upon Polk and Hardee, the corps commanders, as upon two massive pillars, that the weight of organization and discipline rested. General Polk was made a lieutenant-general, October 10, 1862, and was killed by a shell aimed at him, June 14, 1864, near Marietta, Georgia, while boldly reconn
demonstrations. Cleburne's reconnaissance. Sherman paralyzed. stampede from wild Cat. East Tenainst double that number of adversaries under Sherman; and Zollicoffer's 4,000 men had 8,000 or 10,roved abortive, neither General Grant nor General Sherman felt it necessary to call attention to ther 7th, will be related in the next chapter. Sherman's central army gave every evidence of preparar. These were inconsiderable skirmishes. On Sherman's right flank, Schoepf was pushed forward, byof 20,000 men opposed to him on his front, Sherman had in all, including Thomas, 40,000 men, fulrom an advance. A crushing blow delivered by Sherman, on any part of his line, would discover his nts of troops, produced the effect intended. Sherman was greatly troubled with the apprehension oforce was not less. See Appendix B. General Sherman says in his Memoirs (vol. i., page 199):ch to Louisville any day. (Page 202.) General Sherman, under the conviction that General Johnst
Appendix A. Through the politeness of the Secretary of War, Mr. Belknap, the writer received the following statement of the strength of Sherman's command on the 10th of November: War, Department, Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, December 14, 1875. Official transcript from the return of the Department of the Cumberland, showing the strength, present and absent, on the 10th day of November, 1861, the date of the last report received at this office before Brigadier-General Sherman w Official transcript from the return of the Department of the Cumberland, showing the strength, present and absent, on the 10th day of November, 1861, the date of the last report received at this office before Brigadier-General Sherman was relieved of that command: No. in commands that furnished returns to department headquarters,30,917 No. in commands not furnishing returns, about9,100 Regiments in process of formation, estimated9,600 Total49,617 E. D. Townsend, Adjutant-General.
Appendix B. General Sherman (vol. i., pp. 206-208) undertakes to give a statement of his strength, about the 3d or 4th of November. He states that General McCook had at Nolin four brigades, consisting of fourteen regiments of volunteers and some regulars, besides artillery — a force 13,000 strong. General Sherman also furnishes a tabulated list of the regiments under his command, which must have been compiled from imperfect sources. He mentions eleven regiments in easy supporting dista number of these were brigaded December 3d. Nor is any account taken of the numerous organizations of Home Guards. General Sherman estimated the Confederate force from Bowling Green to Clarksville at from 25,000 to 30,000 men-double their real nump Dick Robinson, at 10,000; and elsewhere in Northern Kentucky, at 10,000. These figures were substantially correct. Sherman's command, from his own account, may be tabulated thus: Fourteen regiments at Nolin (his figures)13,000 Twenty-eight
Appendix B (2). General Johnston estimated the Federal force in his front at 15,000 to 20,000; in the Lower Green River country at 3,000; near Camp Dick Robinson, at 10,000; and elsewhere in Northern Kentucky, at 10,000. These figures were substantially correct. Sherman's command, from his own account, may be tabulated thus: Fourteen regiments at Nolin (his figures)13,000 Twenty-eight regiments mentioned (estimated)26,000 Nelson's command4,000 Ten regiments not mentioned,000 Total48,000 This does not include Home Guards.
essee; and Brigadier-General D. C. Buell was assigned to its command, which he assumed November 15th. Army of the Cumberland, vol. i., p. 40. At the same time General H. W. Halleck superseded Fremont in command of the Department of the West. Sherman was removed from Kentucky, and sent to report to Halleck. His memoirs evince that he left Kentucky in disappointment and bitterness of spirit, and deeply distrusted by his Government — a distrust which it required all the great political influence of his family to remove. Buell, Sherman's successor, had sterling qualities-integrity, ability, and a high sense of the soldierly calling. He had a fine faculty for organization, improved by long training as an assistant adjutant-general. He was calm and resolute, and a formidable antagonist for any general. Much of the subsequent efficiency of that army was due to the share Buell had in its formation. It was to General Johnston's advantage that Buell knew him only as an officer
th. their gunboats. General Johnston's warnings and precautions. origin of Federal plan of invasion. Scott's share. Sherman's picturesque narrative. Halleck and Buell's views. Federal demonstrations. Grant, Smith, and Foote. Federal advancey endeavor to animate his subordinates and guard against an attack by the rivers. The respective advocates of Grant, Sherman, Foote, Halleck, and Buell, have debated with considerable heat the question, Who is entitled to the credit of the moveminterior rivers that marked the second line of advance laid down in General Scott's original scheme of invasion? General Sherman gives a picturesque narrative of the origin of this movement in his Memoirs (vol. i., page 220). He says that, in as; indeed, it was the first real success on our side in the civil war. General H. V. Boynton, in his volume entitled Sherman's historical raid (Chapter II.), denies the justice of this claim. He gives the credit to General Grant; but also shows
essee, at its Great Bend. Smith at once sent Sherman with his division, escorted by two gunboats, to be misled by these old women's stories, as Sherman calls them, especially when Buell was conveyi overstated is evinced by the evidence of General Sherman, given then and afterward. He says, in heneral Sherman, the latter testifies: Vide Sherman's historical raid, by Boynton, p. 29; also Shhey might choose to advance and give battle. Sherman says ( Memoirs, vol. i., page 229): I d have made our raw men timid. Again, General Sherman says ( Memoirs, vol. i., page 247): the result of that test of manhood which General Sherman applies, if he did not need fortificationll says further that all the facts prove that Sherman shared the feeling of security. A carefuls, present and absent, in the commands of Generals Sherman, Grant, and Buell, at the dates hereinafter specified. General Sherman's command, November 10, 1861. In commands that furnished return[11 more...]