Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 26, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for W. T. Sherman or search for W. T. Sherman in all documents.

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morning was seven from Crook, eleven from Emory, six from Wright. From all that I can learn, I think that Early's reinforcements could not be less than twelve thousand men. P. H. Sheridan, Major-General Commanding. The latest from Sherman — the "pursuit"of Hood still kept up. A telegram from Chattanooga, dated the 21st, after stating that "it is believed that both armies are in North Georgia," says: Hood is reported to be rapidly moving down Brownstown Valley to Jacksonville and Talladega, where he strikes the railroad to Montgomery. Sherman's army, stripped of every pound of superfluous baggage, is in hot pursuit of the enemy, who has so much start and flies so fearfully that his capture is not assured. A train came up to Tilton from Atlanta to-day. A small party of rebel cavalry attempted to tear up the track below Acworth yesterday, but were driven off by the train guard. Otherwise all is quiet along the Atlanta road. The war in the S
his was going on onthe railroad, two brigades of our cavalry were amusing the great and immortal hero and strategist, W. T. Sherman, with his whole army, at Rome. He drew up his army in front of that town in regular battle array, threw up entrenchmear of our army.] General Hood's headquarters, we are informed, were, at last accounts, near Lee &Gordon's mills, whilst Sherman was marching out for Chattanooga by way of Rossville. Thus affairs are shaping themselves for another battle upon the field of Chickamauga. The capture of the towns indicated, we are assured, was attended with but slight loss. Sherman was, doubtless, rapidly retreating, and we had only to encounter his rear guard. Ringgold is twenty-two miles this side of Ch events of last year. Rossville is a little crossroad station in Lookout valley, five or six miles out of Chattanooga. Sherman has fortified all the passes upon Missionary ridge; but if we can defeat and drive him before us, we may enter Chattanoo