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gia, Thursday Afternoon, May 12, 1864. General Sherman's grand campaign has reached that point wretired, leaving a small picket force. Generals Sherman and Thomas were early on Tunnel Hill, andrring. It was a quiet morning indeed. General Sherman was seen going to the left, and General T in the chase. Kingston, Ga., May 20. General Sherman's advance occupied this place yesterday, my story. No man can tell you now where General Sherman's army has been since Monday last, unlessthe enemy's attempt to break the centre. Generals Sherman and Thomas were not slow to detect the enfeel impressed with the masterly movements of Sherman, which have placed us in so favorable a positly do, or where he will make his next stand. Sherman is too much for Johnston, especially on the f Be that as it may, the country may rely upon Sherman and Thomas, and the invincible force they com appearance of preparation for battle. General Sherman's headquarters were near those of General[23 more...]
Thursday and Friday, May 5 and 6. The army, or at least the Fourth, Fourteenth, and Twenty-third corps, which had arrived at advanced positions, remained in its position of Wednesday, awaiting the arrival of General Hooker's and General McPherson's corps, who marched around to our right, preparatory to a flank movement upon the enemy's left, for the purpose of turning it. General Sherman arrived at the front to-day, and in company with other general officers, rode along the lines, minutely inspecting the country, and familiarizing himself with the position of his command. This morning at an early hour, a small force advanced upon the enemy, who, in small force, held Bald Knob, a small hill about a mile south of Catoosa Platform, and drove them from it without the loss of a man on either side. This morning Morgan's brigade of Davis' division were on picket, when a squad of rebels, mounted, came up within three hundred yards of our pickets, and called out, Will you exchange co
town and the surrounding ridges. Immediately on the retirement of the energy Stanley threw his column forward along the ridge overlooking the approach to Buzzard Roost, and joined his right to Palmer at the wagon road leading to Dalton. At one P. M., a small brigade of rebel infantry approached within a mile of our advance and formed in an open field, but a few well-directed shots from the Fifth Indiana battery soon dispersed them, and they retired, leaving a small picket force. Generals Sherman and Thomas were early on Tunnel Hill, and to-night have their headquarters within a mile of our advance line. Both Generals watched every movement of the enemy, and gave their orders with a coolness and confidence that proved them to be equal for any emergency that may arise. The brigades in Stanley's division of the Fourth corps engaged, were commanded by Generals Whitaker and Cruft, and Colonel Gross, and those of the Fourteenth corps by General Morgan and Colonels McCook and Mitche
r was more joy and enthusiasm manifested by an army, who momentarily expected to be led against the enemy's frowning fortifications and bristling guns, around which, with the aid of a glass, their cannoneers could be easily discerned. Had the command been given to assault the works at that moment, when the spirits of the whole army were elated, no one can doubt the result. We would have had a repetition of Mission Ridge upon a larger scale, with, I fear, however, a very heavy loss. Generals Sherman and Thomas are slow to sacrifice life by direct assault, when the same results can be worked out by strategy. At half-past 7, in the midst of a heavy rain shower, brisk skirmish fire was heard on Rocky Face, between Hooker's advance and the enemy. It lasted only fifteen minutes, when a lull of an hour followed. At half-past 8, Davis's artillery awoke the enemy from their meditations upon Lee's discomfitures, by vigorous shelling, which drew forth no response for some time. Late
drift towards Resacca. The price of his looking at Chattanooga would be Atlanta and liberty. Sherman, at last, has indicated the point where he intends to thrust, and if Dalton is not in our posseth of our army at sixty thousand. They will be astonished after they annihilate that number of Sherman's Yankees to find their work signally incomplete. General Sherman has been constantly in theGeneral Sherman has been constantly in the saddle, and has displayed himself in front of Buzzard Roost, directing operations at points where the rebels could hardly fail to identify him. In company with General Thomas he has just moved to thlroad in his rear severed, he must probably lose or destroy some of his heavy munitions. General Sherman is pointedly hostile to correspondents, and the pursuit of their avocation at this time is one of his letters, our lines now extend from Nashville to Huntsville. It is reported that General Sherman, upon reading this item, wrote an order to his Provost Marshal-General, directing the immed
the loss and bloodshed you have caused. But we must crush your armies, and exterminate your Government. And is not that already nearly done? You are wholly without money, and at the end of your resources. Grant has shut you up in Richmond. Sherman is before Atlanta. Had you not, then, better accept honorable terms while you can retain your prestige, and save the pride of the Southern people? Mr. Davis smiled. I respect your earnestness, Colonel, but you do not seem to understand y thousand men--more than Lee had at the outset--and is no nearer taking Richmond than at first; and Lee, whose front has never been broken, holds him completely in check, and has men enough to spare to invade Maryland, and threaten Washington! Sherman, to be sure, is before Atlanta; but suppose he is, and suppose he takes it? You know, that the farther he goes from his base of supplies, the weaker he grows, and the more disastrous defeat will be to him. And defeat may come. So, in a militar
e efficient and valuable service as volunteer aide. Respectfully submitted, James B. Steedman. Major-General, commanding. Brigadier-General Cruft's report. headquarters Provisional division, Army of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Tennessee, January 20, 1865. Major Moe. Assistant Adjutant-General, District of the Etowah: The following report of the recent campaign is respectfully submitted: I had been ordered by Major-General Thomas to organize the troops belonging to Major-General Sherman's field command within this department, and report them to Major-General Steedman, commanding District of the Etowah. On the twenty-ninth day of November, 1864, while on the above duty at Chattanooga, Tennessee, an order was received from Major-General Steedman to move that day by rail, all available force. A portion of the garrison at Tunnel Hill was withdrawn, and, with the Eighteenth Ohio volunteers from this post, was added to my command. November 30, 1864. Reached Cowan
te in her day of peril. What though misfortune has befallen our arms from Decatur to Jonesboro, our cause is not lost. Sherman cannot keep up his long line of communication, and retreat, sooner or later he must; and when that day comes the fate thot become us to revert to disaster. Let the dead bury the dead. Let us, with one arm and one effort, endeavor to crush Sherman. I am going to the army to confer with our Generals. The end must be the defeat of our enemy. It has been said that Iers are kept as a sort of Yankee capital. I have heard that one of their Generals said that their exchange would defeat Sherman. I have tried every means, conceded everything to effect an exchange, but to no purpose. Butler, the beast, with whom hington itself, and caused Grant to send two corps of his army to protect it. This the enemy denominated a raid. If so, Sherman's march into Georgia is a raid. What would prevent them now, if Early was withdrawn, from taking Lynchburg, and putting
ircumstances, and these would have availed but little against the idea that the enemy was scattered, and had no considerable force in our front. Under the circumstances, and with a sad foreboding of the consequences, I determined to move forward, keeping my force as compact as possible, and ready for action at all times, hoping that we might succeed, and feeling that if we did not, yet our losses might, at most, be insignificant, in comparison to the great benefits that might accrue to General Sherman by the depletion of Johnston's army to so large an extent. On the evening of the eighth, one day beyond Ripley, I assembled the commanders of infantry brigades at the headquarters of Colonel McMillen, and cautioned them as to the necessity of enforcing rigid discipline in their camps, keeping their troops always in hand, and ready to act on a moment's notice; that it was impossible to gain any accurate or reliable information of the enemy, and that it behooved us to move and act consta
Doc. 34. recruiting in the rebel States. General W. T. Sherman's letter. headquarters military division of the Mississippi, in the field, near Atlanta, Ga., July 30, 1864. John A. Spooner, Esq., Agent for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Nashville, Tenn. sir: Yours from Chattanooga, July twenty-eighth, is received, notifying me of your appointment by your State as Lieutenant-Colonel and Provost-Marshal of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, under the act of Congress, approved J; but I would not draw on the poor race for too large a proportion of its active, athletic young men, for some must remain to seek new homes and provide for the old and young — the feeble and helpless. These are some of my peculiar notions, but I assure you they are shared by a large proportion of our fighting men. You may show this to the agents of the other States in the same business as yourself. I am, etc., W. T. Sherman, Major-General. Official copy: L. M. Dayton, Aide-de-Camp.