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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 2: the battle of Bull Run (July, 1861) (search)
of battle, facing the troops advancing from Sudley, their right was taken in flank and rear by Sherman's and Keyes's brigade of Tyler's division, which had found fords and crossed Bull Run about hala further access of fire both of musketry and artillery. It was doubtless due to the attack of Sherman and Keyes upon the flank of Bee and Bartow. No one who heard it could doubt its import. No meere was little change, and the battle seemed to stand still. When Evans and Bee were broken by Sherman's attack upon the flank, their retreat was specially pressed by the Federal artillery. On reacagain engaged. The third brigade missing from the fighting line was Keyes's. It had followed Sherman closely in its arrival on the field, and had borne some part in driving back the Confederate li Federal. 1st division. Tyler KILLEDWOUNDEDMISSINGTOTAL Keyes1950154223 Schenck19151650 Sherman20208253481 Richardsonnotengaged. Total58273423754 2D division. Hunter Porter8414824547
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 19: battle of Chickamauga (search)
hat Grant was bringing up a large force under Sherman from Memphis, and it was clear that within 30essive, and meet and defeat, either Grant and Sherman approaching from the west, or Burnside, near ring the night to the extreme right to oppose Sherman. Hooker placed Osterhaus on the right of thesion and prepared to make a desperate stand. Sherman's men, fresh from Vicksburg, attacked with grattack several times with no better success. Sherman, in his report, denies that they were repulsexcept for an occasional distant cannon-shot. Sherman's battle, from one to two miles to the right,ts moving from the Confederate centre against Sherman, Grant directed Thomas to give the signal. Iy. So the elaborate strategy, which had sent Sherman to turn Bragg's right, came to naught at the . His men never really fought except against Sherman on his extreme right, and there they were vicn Missionary Ridge. They were heaviest where Sherman attacked Cleburne's and Breckenridge's divisi[9 more...]
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 23: the fall of 1864 (search)
reflection of Lincoln. battle of Franklin. Sherman's march. Fort Fisher. conference at Fortres Johnston of the command of the army opposing Sherman at Atlanta, and appointing Hood to succeed hithe alleged cause of my removal I assert that Sherman's army is much stronger, compared with that o20. Here he had hoped to deliver battle, but Sherman declined to follow, and returned to Atlanta, od's orders from the President were to follow Sherman and hang upon his rear. But, with the approv a campaign. This was the unopposed march of Sherman from Atlanta to Savannah between Nov. 15 and ctory. Already it cast the ominous shadow of Sherman's advance up the coast in the coming spring. to unite with Johnston, and endeavor to crush Sherman before he could unite with Grant. Before und deducted for desertions in March. In N. C., Sherman was about Goldsboro with about 100,000, againa Savannah and through the country ravaged by Sherman, with many delays and difficulties, I made my[5 more...]