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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sherman or search for Sherman in all documents.

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f the lines. It was reported on yesterday that Grant had sent off a considerable body of troops to co- operate with Sherman in Georgia, and to aid that General in reaching and establishing a base on the Atlantic coast. We do not vouch for this it more likely that Grant is mustering his forces for an early demonstration on General Lee than scattering them to aid Sherman. It is just possible that Sherman's coming to grief might not be disagreeable to him. That General has already acquiredSherman's coming to grief might not be disagreeable to him. That General has already acquired so much of glory as to become a dangerous rival as a candidate for the next Presidency — a reason sufficient to prevent Grant's regretting any ill luck that may now befall him. But, as Sherman has gained much reputation and glory by his campaign, sSherman has gained much reputation and glory by his campaign, so has General Grant gained little of either; and it is highly important to him to do something before the close of the year. He has now laid idle before Petersburg a month and two days; and but one month more of the year is left him. He must do som
Northern papers of Saturday, the 26th instant, are received. There is not a word direct from Sherman except what the Yankees get from the Richmond papers. General Hood reported threatening Kentucky. The New York Herald has the followon telegram to the Philadelphia Evening Telegraph as to the offer of the three Southern Governors to make peace with General Sherman, there are others who are convinced, if not of its entire truth, that there must be something in it. Gold has fallenpposed the enemy is going to Richmond, possibly to prepare for the evacuation of Petersburg and the rebel capital before Sherman cuts them off at Savannah and all along shore. The railroad is complete to the Opequan, and will soon be running to the 25th of the present month, by a military commission, at St. Louis, for cutting Government telegraph wires. General Sherman telegraphed his wife on Thursday, November 10th, as follows: "I have received all your letters up to the 3d. I star
town.--The small garrison surrendered. So quick were his actions that the transports did not his actions that the transports did not have time to get up steam and away before his men boarded them and took possession. The gunboats quietly succumbed to their inevitable fate. Thus, within the short space of forty minutes, four gunboats, carrying eight fine guns each; fourteen splendid steamboats and seventeen large barges — boats and barges heavily ladened with subsistence and clothing for Sherman's army — fell into our hands almost without the loss of a life to the gallant command that made the capture. General Forrest was not prepared to bring away supplies. Sheer necessity compelled him to destroy, after supplying his command, (both the inner and outer man,) this immense quantity of supplies. "During the town was fired and every house burned, with but few exceptions. "It is roughly estimated that the value of the property that fell into our hands from this brilliant af
York Times does not appear to agree with General Sherman with regard to the rate at which it is pr. He entertained no doubt that, on the 20th, Sherman was in Augusta, having passed over the intervwhat more than twenty-one miles per diem. General Sherman, on the contrary, in his general orders, . This is a slow rate for a flying column, as Sherman was supposed to have converted his army into.pidity of movement entirely inconsistent with Sherman's prescribed daily march. He must have meantrobability is, that the idea was derived from Sherman himself, or from persons about him supposed t. There is another theory to account for Sherman's expedition, but not for the slow rate which has not failed. He has suceeeded in placing Sherman in a most embarrassing situation — a situatios designed to have, and that this movement of Sherman is a legitimate and calculated consequence.--e latter, but from the consideration that, if Sherman reach the ocean, he will leave the whole coun[1 more...]