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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sherman or search for Sherman in all documents.

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nt skirmish with the enemy, and we now learn that he arrived at his father's residence, in Amherst county, on Sunday evening last. We trust that he will soon be in the saddle again, and that he will live long to carry on his courageous and daring operations against the enemy. From Georgia. The most interesting point in the news from Georgia is that an exchange of one thousand prisoners, captured in the battles around Atlanta, has been effected. The ten days armistice, proposed by Sherman for the ostensible purpose of depopulating Atlanta, but in reality to cover the movements of his army and to afford time for strengthening his works of defence, expired yesterday morning, and we may soon have a renewal of active operations in that quarter; though the opinion is quite prevalent that the Yankee general will not resume the offensive for the present, but will quietly await the result of Grant's campaign around Petersburg and Richmond. Whether active hostilities will be inaugur
From Georgia. Griffin, September 21. --One thousand of our men, including General Govan, were exchanged at Rough and Ready this morning, and a portion of them have arrived here. The railroad is working through from Atlanta to Nashville, and is heavily guarded at all the bridges. There are three brigades of negroes at Chattanooga. Our prisoners met a great many of Sherman's men going back, but think he has still an immense army at Atlanta and along the railroad.
canty. These facts, however, seem sufficiently clear: The army under Sheridan has, of late, been powerfully reenforced by fresh troops — believed to be from Sherman's army. The unfortunate truce, into which General Hood seems to have been seduced by a mistaken humanity, afforded an opportunity for this operation. Sherman haSherman has fortified himself at Atlanta, as it was foreseen that he would, and has worked upon the fortifications until he has made them nearly impregnable. He trusts their defence to a comparatively small body of men, and he sends off the remainder to Grant, who uses them at Petersburg, or in the Valley, as the occasion may require. In the Valley, they have enabled Sheridan to strike this blow. At Petersburg; nothing has yet been attempted. But there can be no doubt that many of Sherman's troops have already arrived in Grant's camp, and many more are on their way.--The same plan which failed so signally last summer is to be tried again this fall. A heavy force