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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sherman or search for Sherman in all documents.

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mor that Schofield has formed a junction with Sherman is regarded here as altogether probable; but ps has left for the South to aid in resisting Sherman. If this should prove true, it is deemed absonot fall back for the purpose of overwhelming Sherman without having Grant, in less than six hours oster's troops will not, I believe, accompany Sherman in his new campaign. It is pretty generally ite and the Reliance. Plan of Grant and Sherman for destroying Lee's army. The United StaGeneral Lee's army by the forces of Grant and Sherman. We copy some paragraphs: The contendinn free either to march twenty thousand men to Sherman's reinforcement, or to join Grant by water wiof only two armies, that of Grant and that of Sherman. The forces of Schofield will necessarily joide. We incline to believe that he will join Sherman, who is most exposed to the assaults of Lee, negroes in time; and time is everything; for Sherman never halts while anything is to be achieved.[15 more...]