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h yours in the reduction of Richmond, and also a copy of his instructions to you in relation to that co-operation. Maj.-Gen. Shields will join me to-day. As far (soon) as the necessary preparations for the march can be completed, which I think wof the instructions to Gen. McDowell: War Department, Washington, May 17, 1862. general: Upon being joined by Gen. Shields's division you will move upon Richmond by the general route of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad, co-operating e following reply: May 24, 1862 (from Washington, May 24th). I left Gen. McDowell's camp at dark last evening. Shields's command is there, but it is so worn that he cannot move before Monday morning, the twenty-sixth (26th). We have so thi you now have. Can you not do this almost as well as not while you are building the Chickahominy bridges? McDowell and Shields both say they can, and positively will, move Monday morning. I wish you to move cautiously and safely. You will have
ridges first made, together with their approaches, which were not arranged for such unprecedented high water, were carried away or rendered impassable. It thus became necessary, with immense labor, to build others much larger, more elevated and stable. Our men worked in the mater, exposed to the fire of the enemy from the opposite bank. On the 25th of May I received the following telegram: Your despatch received. Gen. Banks was at Strasburg with about six thousand (6,000) men, Shields having been taken from him to swell a column for McDowell to aid you at Richmond, and the rest of his force scattered at various places. On the 23d a rebel force of from 7,000 to 10,000 fell upon one regiment and two companies guarding the bridge at Front Royal, destroying it entirely; crossed the Shenandoah, and on the 24th--yesterday — pushed on to get north of Banks on the road to Winchester. Gen. Banks ran a race with them, beating them into Winchester yesterday evening. This morning
d I have undoubting faith in your success. Keep me advised fully of your condition. 11.20 P. M. Your telegram of 6.15 has just been received. The circumstances that have hitherto rendered it impossible for the government to send you any more reinforcements than has been done, have been so distinctly stated to you by the President that it is needless for me to repeat them. Every effort has been made by the President and myself to strengthen you. King's division has reached Falmouth; Shields's division and Ricketts's division are at Manassas. The President designs to send a part of that force to aid you as speedily as it can be done. The following was sent at 2.30 P. M.: Your despatch and that of the President received. Jackson is driving in my pickets, etc., on the other side of the Chickahominy. It is impossible to tell where reinforcements ought to go, as I am yet unable to predict result of approaching battle. It will probably be better that they should go to Fo
Mills, Md., 106. Seven Pines, Va.-see Fair Oaks. Seward, Sec., method of recruiting, 143 ; visits McClellan, 549. Seymour, Gen. T., at Gaines's Mill, 414-416 ; Glendale, 430 ; South Mountain, 580. Seymour, Capt. (navy), 306. Sharpsburg, Md., 556, 562, 564, 573, 584, 586, 587,590, 608,609, 620. Shenandoah Valley, Va., 47, 54, 58, 113, 239, 240, 509, 643. Sherman, Gen. T. W., 204, 211, 234. Sherman, Gen. W. T., at Washington, 1861, 68, 80, 89, 138; in West, 201, 202. Shields, Gen. J., 347, 350, 351. Ship Point, Va., 259, 260, 263, 264, 274-278, 291. 306-309. Sickles, Gen. D. E., 81, 96 ; at Fair Oaks, 383; Malvern, 437; Mary land campaign, 645, 647. Sigel, Gen. F., in Pope's campaign, 509, 532, 538 ; Maryland, 555 ; in W. Virginia, 625, 660. Simmons, Capt., 576, 605. Sinter. Col.. 781. Slavery, horrors of, 175. Slaves, captured, how treated by McClellan, 34. Slocum, Gen. H. W., at Williams, burg, 304 ; Gaines's Mill, 412, 417 413 ; Savage's Station,