Browsing named entities in Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott). You can also browse the collection for W. W. Shoemaker or search for W. W. Shoemaker in all documents.

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erly sergeant of Company H, shot at two of the rebels. He killed one, and the other is in the hospital badly wounded, and will die; his name is Love. Lieut. W. W. Shoemaker, of Company H, led the charge; shot three times with a pistol. He was shot at with a gun. His first shot killed one of the enemy. His second shot the en a prisoner. His name is E. W. Pratt; sent to you last night. Private Fogger, Company H, ran on a rebel and shot him in the back. He kept up close to Lieutenant Shoemaker, who led the advance. Fogger's horse fell dead under him. Lieutenant Shoemaker, Private Fogger, both of Company H, and George W. Wakefield, Company G, tooLieutenant Shoemaker, Private Fogger, both of Company H, and George W. Wakefield, Company G, took Garrett a prisoner. Said Garrett had run down a bank and hid himself when he was arrested. We have to report 4 of the enemy killed, 2 wounded. Their names are Love and Warfield, the latter a son of Sallie Carneal. He says if he gets away he will join the Southern Army again. Two prisoners sent to you. We captured a negro