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e old campgrounds. But while barracks were desirable quarters in Sibley tents. the cooler weather of this latitude, and sheltered many regiwere of various patterns, but the principal varieties used were the Sibley, the A or Wedge Tent, and the Hospital or Wall Tent. The SibleySibley tent was invented by Henry Sibley, in 1857. He was a graduate of the United States military academy at West Point, and accompanied Capt. JohHenry Sibley, in 1857. He was a graduate of the United States military academy at West Point, and accompanied Capt. John C. Fremont on one of his exploring expeditions. He evidently got his idea from the Tepee or Tepar,--the Indian wigwam, of poles covered wicentre,--which he saw on the plains. When the Rebellion broke out, Sibley cast in his fortune with the South. He afterwards attained the ranme as the invention of this tent. It has recently been stated that Sibley was not the actual inventor, the credit being assigned to some privtime these tents were ventilated by lifting them up at the bottom. Sibley tents went out of field service in 1862, partly because they were t
undering of the Jonahs and the Beats, whom I shall describe later, these little knots were quite family-like and sociable. The manner in which the time was spent in these tentsand, for that matter, in all tents — varied with the disposition Sibley tent.-inside view. of the inmates. It was not always practicable for men of kindred tastes to band themselves under the same canvas, and so just as they differed in their avocations as citizens, they differed in their social life, and many kindse went along, just time enough to see what was going on, and excite the curiosity of the inmates as to the identity of the intruder, was a feature of such a walk. While the description I have been giving applies in some particulars to life in Sibley tents, yet, so far as much of it is concerned, it describes equally well the life of the private soldier in any tent. But the tent of the army was the shelter or dog tent, and the life of the private soldier in log huts under these tents require
VI. Jonahs and Beats. Good people, I'll sing you a ditty, So bear with me all ye who can; I make an appeal to your pity, For I'm a most unlucky man. 'Twas under an unlucky planet That I a poor mortal was born; My existence since first I began it Has been very sad and forlorn. Then do not make sport of my troubles, But pity me all ye who can, For I'm an uncomfortable, horrible, terrible, inconsolable, unlucky man. old song. In a former chapter I made the statement that Sibley tents furnished quarters capacious enough for twelve men. That statement is to be taken with some qualifications. If those men were all lying down asleep, there did not seem much of a crowd. But if one man of the twelve happened to be on guard at night, and, furthermore, was on what we used to know as the Third Relief guard, which in my company was posted at 12, midnight, and came off post at 2 A. M., when all were soundly sleeping, and, moreover, if this man chanced to quarter in that part of the tent op
y gang agley, even though they used every precaution, and so it was the rule rather than the exception for him to get into the wrong tent, and, after waking up all the inmates and getting the profane to swearing, and all to abusing him for his stupid intrusion, to retreat in as good order as possible and try again. The next time perhaps he would get into the right one, and, after scrutinizing his list of the guard once more, call out the name of Smith, for example. No answer. Stockaded Sibley tents. There was a kind of deafness generated in the service, which was almost epidemic among guardsmen, especially night guard; at least, such seemed to be the case, for the man that was wanted to go out and take his post was invariably the last one in the tent to be awakened by the summons of the corporal; and long before that waking moment came, the corporal had as aids on his staff all these self-same inmates who had been victims to the assumed deafness of the man sought, and whose voice
11 feet high in the centre, with the walls 4 feet 6 inches, and a fly 21 feet 6 inches by 14 feet. Each of these was designed to accommodate eight patients comfortably. Army Regulations assigned three such tents to a regiment, together with one Sibley and one Wedge or A tent. The Sibley tent I have likewise quite fully described. I will only add here that, not having a fly, it was very hot in warm weather. Then, on account of its centre pole and the absence of walls, it was quite contracSibley tent I have likewise quite fully described. I will only add here that, not having a fly, it was very hot in warm weather. Then, on account of its centre pole and the absence of walls, it was quite contracted and inconvenient. For these reasons it was little used for hospital purposes, and not used at all after the early part of the war. The hospital tents in the Army of the Potomac were heated, for the most part, by what was called, for some reason, the California Plan. This consisted of a pit, dug just outside of the hospital door, two and a half feet deep, from which a trench passed through the tent, terminating outside the other end in a chimney, built of barrels, or in such a manner as
4,391 Rip Raps, Va., 156, 162 Robertson's Tavern, Va., 134, 307 Rome, Ga., 400 Roxbury, Mass., 37-38,270 Saint Augustine, Fl., 248 Saint Louis, Mo., 279 Savannah, Ga., 384 Sawtelle, Charles G., 355 Sayler's Creek, Va, 293 Schouler, William, 23 Scott, Winfield, 23,250,252 Seneca, Md., 404 Sheridan, Philip H., 139, 267,293, 372 Sherman, William T., 239-40,246, 263,286,353-54,362,364,366, 384,400,403-4,406 Shiloh, 301,405 Shirks, 101-5,167,175,312 Sibley, Henry, 46-47 Sick call, 172-76 Sickles, Daniel E., 157,406 Smith, Andrew J., 263 Smith, E. Kirby, 160 Soldier's Aid Society, 85 Songs: Abraham's Daughter, 215; The battle Cry of freedom, 38, 42,335; Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean, 38,335; Dead march, 158; John Brown's body, 335; Marching along, 335; Pleyel's Hymm, 158; Raw recruit, 215; The star-spangled banner, 42; Sweet by and by, 137; When Johnny comes marching home, 71,193; Yankee Doodle, 42 Southside Railroad, 350 Spot
s raised upon a Federal flag-staff; a salute was fired by batteries of captured United States guns, and "Dixie" played by a captured United States band! Gen. Henry Sibley is on the Stonewall Jackson style. When he entered the Territory of New Mexico, although in the 35th parallel, and winter just coming in. He destroyed everyr mess chests. They sleep where night finds them; whip the enemy wherever he shows himself, and have never seen a shovel or pick since they opened the campaign.--Sibley graduated at West Point in 1836, distinguished himself in the Mexican War, for which he was twice brevetted, and at the time of the present revolution was one of on the offensive and never on the defensive, although the enemy have invariably brought three and four times his number against him. When a Federal battery annoys Sibley, he has it taken in this way. I has silenced all the artillery the enemy had in that country.--His is the only army of invasion the Confederate States has yet sen
ticed the land to the left was a dead level, and was white with the covers of our baggage trains, which were here drown up in an immense solid body, which we had taken to be tents as seen from the steamer's deck. To the right, the land rose gently from the river until in reached an elevation of perhaps thirty feet. Up along this elevated plain and along the banks of the river our sick and wounded men stood shivering in the rain, without tents, or knapsacks, or arms. Here and there a single Sibley tent was visible, and also a sprinkling of white roofed baggage wagons. The scene presented as I landed defies all description. Under some trees which lay around in clusters our men were crouched. They looked as if they were more dead than alive, they were covered to the crown of their heads with mud, their faces and clothes were literally coated; while their shoes and boots had several pounds of the nasty yellow stuff stuck into and all around them. Whole regiments were immersed
Sibley's campaign in New Mexico. The campaign of Col. Sibley in New Mexico, an Interesting summary of which was lately furnished this paCol. Sibley in New Mexico, an Interesting summary of which was lately furnished this paper by a correspondent, is one of the most remarkable in history. Nothing has occurred in this war which surpasses it in heroic enterprise and brilliant success. The remoteness of Col. Sibley's theatre of operations is all that has prevented the wonderful achievements of his commy man. We cannot forbear from once more giving the brief summary of Sibley's remarkable campaign. In November last he left San Antonio, with tured United States band. Our correspondent adds that when Colonel Sibley entered the Territory of New Mexico, although in the 25th paralsh these particulars as an act of justice to the glorious Texans of Sibley's command, and to their noble commander, of whom it is praise enough to say that he is worthy to be the commander of such men. Col Henry Sibley is a native of Louisiana, graduated at West Point in 1836, distin