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's brigades. A third brigade added early in October. Sept. 16, 1861: McCall's division; on the 25th of that month he received the last two regiments of the Pennsylvania Reserves, so that his division consisted of thirteen regiments in three brigades, under Meade, J. F. Reynolds, and Ord. Sept. 28, 1861: W. F. Smith's division, consisting of the Vermont brigade (afterwards Brooks's), J. J. Stevens's and Hancock's brigades. Oct. 5, 1861: Heintzelman's division, consisting of Richardson's, Sedgwick's, and Jameson's brigades. Oct. 11, 1861: Hooker's division, consisting of his own (afterwards Naglee's) brigade and Sickles's brigade. In November a third brigade (Starr's New Jersey) was added. Oct. 12, 1861: Blenker's division, consisting of Stahl's and Steinwehr's brigades. A third brigade added during the winter. Nov. 25, 1861: Sumner's division, consisting of Howard's, Meagher's, and French's brigades. Dec. 6, 1861: Casey's division, consisting of three brigades.
rting distance; a few days later Smith's division was moved to Marshall's Hill. To support this movement McCall's division was, on the 9th of Oct., brought to the Virginia side to Langley's, and a few days later to Prospect Hill. He was replaced at Tennallytown by a brigade of Buell's division. On the 5th of Oct. Heintzelman's division was formed, and posted at Fort Lyon, south of Alexandria, forming the left of our line on the Virginia side. During the months of September and October Sickles's brigade, posted on the south side of the eastern branch, sent frequent reconnoissances into lower Maryland. Early in November Hooker's division was organized and moved to the vicinity of Budd's Ferry to observe the enemy, who were active in that direction, and to prevent, as far as possible, the crossing of the river by emissaries of the enemy. So that early in November the positions of the command were as follows: On the right McCall's division at Prospect Hill; Smith's division a
part of the field. On the opening of the firing in the morning Gen. Hooker pushed forward on the railroad with two regiments (5th and 6th N. J.), followed by Gen. Sickles's brigade. It was found impossible to move the artillery of this division from its position on account of the mud. On coming near the woods, which were held by the enemy in force, Gen. Hooker found Gen. Birney's brigade, Col. J. Hobart Ward in command, in line of battle. He sent back to hasten Gen. Sickles's brigade, but ascertained that it had been turned off to the left by Gen. Heintzelman to meet a column advancing in that direction. He at once made the attack with the two New Jer Gen. Hooker with the 5th and 6th N. J., 3d Me., and 38th and 40th N. Y., and the enemy fled in confusion, throwing down arms and even clothing in his flight. Gen. Sickles, having been ordered to the left, formed line of battle on both sides of the Williamsburg road and advanced under a sharp fire from the enemy, deployed in the
with their dead and wounded. In several instances our infantry withheld their fire until the attacking column, which rushed through the storm of canister and shell from our artillery, had reached within a few yards of our lines. They then poured in a single volley and dashed forward with the bayonet, capturing prisoners and colors, and driving the routed columns in confusion from the field. About seven o'clock, as fresh troops were accumulating in front of Porter and Couch, Meagher and Sickles were sent with their brigades, as soon as it was considered prudent to withdraw any portion of Sumner's and Heintzelman's troops, to reinforce that part of the line and hold the position. These brigades relieved such regiments of Porter's corps and Couch's division as had expended their ammunition, and batteries from the reserve were pushed forward to replace those whose boxes were empty. Until dark the enemy persisted in his efforts to take the position so tenaciously defended; but, desp
we had passed, as long as they would enable the enemy to trouble our communications with the Potomac. It was expected that we would unite with the 11th corps and Sickles's division near Thoroughfare Gap. We depended upon Harper's Ferry and Berlin for supplies until the Manassas Gap Railway was reached; when that occurred the pass Snicker's Gap to White Plains; the 9th corps to Waterloo and vicinity on the Rappahannock; the 11th corps was at New Baltimore, Thoroughfare and Hopewell's Gaps; Sickles's division guarding the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from Manassas Junction towards Warrenton Junction; the cavalry near Flint Hill; Bayard to cut off what ther on the line of the Rappahannock, in the vicinity of Waterloo; the 6th corps at New Baltimore; the 11th corps at New Baltimore, Gainesville, and Thoroughfare Gap; Sickles's division, of the 3d corps, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, from Manassas Junction to Warrenton Junction; Pleasonton across the Rappahannock at Amissville
visits McClellan, 549. Seymour, Gen. T., at Gaines's Mill, 414-416 ; Glendale, 430 ; South Mountain, 580. Seymour, Capt. (navy), 306. Sharpsburg, Md., 556, 562, 564, 573, 584, 586, 587,590, 608,609, 620. Shenandoah Valley, Va., 47, 54, 58, 113, 239, 240, 509, 643. Sherman, Gen. T. W., 204, 211, 234. Sherman, Gen. W. T., at Washington, 1861, 68, 80, 89, 138; in West, 201, 202. Shields, Gen. J., 347, 350, 351. Ship Point, Va., 259, 260, 263, 264, 274-278, 291. 306-309. Sickles, Gen. D. E., 81, 96 ; at Fair Oaks, 383; Malvern, 437; Mary land campaign, 645, 647. Sigel, Gen. F., in Pope's campaign, 509, 532, 538 ; Maryland, 555 ; in W. Virginia, 625, 660. Simmons, Capt., 576, 605. Sinter. Col.. 781. Slavery, horrors of, 175. Slaves, captured, how treated by McClellan, 34. Slocum, Gen. H. W., at Williams, burg, 304 ; Gaines's Mill, 412, 417 413 ; Savage's Station, 424, 427 Glendale, 428, 430, 431, 433 ; at Berkley, 444 ; Pope's campaign, 511 ; Crampton's Gap,