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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, V. Pope's campaign in Northern Virginia. August, 1862. (search)
(McDowell's corps) on Cedar Mountain, and his right (Sigel's corps) on Robertson's River, a branch of the RapidRappahannock on the north bank, so that on the 24th, Sigel and Banks and Reno occupied Sulphur Springs, and Jache 27th, directed General McDowell, with his own and Sigel's corps and the division of Reynolds, upon Gainesvil that it could hardly be said he had an army at all. Sigel and Reynolds had, however, turned up near Groveton; s official report (p. 20), states that the attack by Sigel was for the purpose of bringing Jackson to a stand, mbankment, which formed a ready-made parapet. General Sigel, as ordered, attacked in the morning, pushing fo front and west of the Sudley Springs road; Reno and Sigel holding the centre,—Sigel's line being extended a sh—Reynolds' command forming the left leg, and Porter, Sigel, and Reno the right, with Heintzelman's two divisiont for that purpose had an unfortunate result; * Sigel's corps should have been taken in place of Reynolds'
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 7 (search)
tions were made impartially at a variety of points. The weather and roads had been in excellent condition since the late battle, and on the 19th of January, 1863, the columns were put in motion with such secrecy as could be observed. The Grand Divisions of Franklin and Hooker ascended the river by parallel roads, and at night encamped in the woods at convenient distance from the fords. Couch's corps was moved below Fredericksburg to make demonstrations there, and the reserve corps under Sigel, which had been united with the Army of the Potomac, was assigned the duty of guarding the line of the river and the communications of the army. Preparations for crossing were pushed on during the 20th, positions for artillery were selected, the guns were brought up, the pontons were within reach a short distance back from the river, and it was determined to make the passage on the following morning. But during the night a terrible storm came on, and then each man felt that the move was
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 8 (search)
onnoitring glance, to one of his aids, he instantly said, Tell my column to cross that road Cooke's Life of Stonewall Jackson, p. 251. (meaning, thereby, the plankroad, so as to move up and strike the old turnpike). Reaching the turnpike about five o'clock, Jackson saw the Union line in reverse, and had only to advance in order to crown his perilous operation with complete success. The right of the Union line was, as before stated, held by the Eleventh Corps, under General Howard; Sigel's old corps; Howard had very recently taken command. and, while the major part of this corps formed line of battle along the plankroad, and faced southward, the extreme right brigade Gilsa's brigade of Devens' division. was refused, and made to face westward, from which direction, towards six o'clock, Jackson burst out with resistless impetuosity. The dispositions to meet such an attack were utterly inadequate. The right brigade, after two or three hasty rounds, was forced back; and the
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 11 (search)
ary force to threaten the westward communications of Richmond. General Sigel, who held a considerable army for the protection of West Virginnd East Tennessee Railroad; the other, seven thousand strong, under Sigel in person, to advance as far as possible up the Shenandoah Valley, tration of the three columns, respectively under Meade, Butler, and Sigel, was Richmond; and from the interior lines held by the Confederatesrace the development of the movements co-operative under Butler and Sigel, on the banks of the James River and in the Valley of the Shenandoa against the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad; the other, under Sigel, to advance as far as possible up the Virginia Valley. Both movements began the 1st of May. Sigel moved up the Shenandoah Valley, met the enemy at Newmarket on the 15th, and, after a severe engagement, wa defeated, with considerable loss, and retired behind Cedar Creek. Sigel was then superseded by General Hunter, who immediately took up the
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 12 (search)
open to the advance of a hostile force by General Hunter, who, after his defeat before Lynchburg, had taken up an eccentric line of retreat by way of Western Virginia. The effect of this was completely to uncover the frontier of the loyal States. The force detached by Lee for this expedition consisted of a body of twelve thousand men under General Early. Following the beaten track of invasion, Early marched rapidly down the Shenandoah Valley, arriving before Martinsburg the 3d of July. Sigel, who held post there with a small force, at once retreated across the Potomac at Shepherdstown. General Weber, in command at Harper's Ferry, evacuated the town and retired to Maryland Heights. Hunter, who had made a toilsome march through the Alpine region of Western Virginia, experienced great delays in transporting his troops to Harper's Ferry, owing to the lowness of the river and the breaking of the railroad in several places. He was therefore not in position to check the irruption of
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
, 146; on the chessboard of war, 246; on attacking positions in front, 493; on changes of base, 498. National wars, the difficulties in conducting, 24. Newmarket Cross-roads, battle of, its object, 157 Newmarket, battle of, and defeat of Sigel, 468. Norfolk, General Huger evacuated, by orders from Richmond, to which garrison withdrew, 120; occupied by General Wool, 120. Norfolk Navy Yard, abandoned in 1861, 26. North Anna, the two armies head for, 472; the Union army arrives oanta compared with Grant's direct attack system, 495; capture of Atlanta, 566; march from Atlanta to Savannah, 566; crossed the Savannah into South Carolina, 566; reached Goldsboro, North Carolina, 568. Savage's Station, the battle of, 156. Sigel, plan of his operations in Shenandoah Valley, etc., 409; operations in the Shenandoah Valley, 468; superseded by General Hunter, 468. Smith, G. W., commanding Confederates, vice Johnston, wounded, 138. Smith, W. F., evidence on Burnside's o